May is Gaelic Heritage Month in Nova Scotia!
So of course as a Gaelic Nova Scotian and lover of names, I had to make a CAF.
Slàinte a caraidean! / Cheers friends!
LN: Buchanan, MacAulay, MacKenzie, McCulloch, Ross
DH: Blair, Cameron, Craig, Douglas, Graham, Loch
DW: Aberdeen, Caitriona, Bonnie, Mairead, Peigi, Teasagh
DD: Alba, Ceilidh, Ferelith, Flùr, Isobel, Mirren
DS: Ainsley, Alasdair, Bowie, Cairn, Fergus, Lachlan
DS: Ewan, Finley, Hamish, Gillie, Lorne, Malcolm
DD: Blair, Doone, Eileen, Greer, Lorna, Maisie
DD: Adair, Alwyne, Beitris, Eilidh, Fifer, Nessa
DS: Angus, Campbell, Duncan, Iain, Fraser, Scott
DS: Boyce, Callum, Clyde, Glenn, Sholto, Tavish
DS: Aberdeen, Halley, Kerr, Tadhg, Uilleam, Wallace