Gaelic spelling for Jasper?

I’m wondering if there’s a Gaelic (Irish or Scottish) spelling of the name [name_u]Jasper[/name_u]? I saw one site say Séaspar but that’s the only site that said it, another said [name_m]Gasper[/name_m] but i don’t like that it sound alike Gasp and was wondering if either of these are accurate spellings or if there’s others, or if it’s just [name_u]Jasper[/name_u] in Gaelic :slight_smile:

I have no idea but would a different spelling make the pronunciation any different?

Possibly, I’m fairly sure Séaspar (which i like but don’t know if it’s accurate) would be Shay-spar

it’s not really a gaidhlig name (scottish), but out of the two options there, i would presume Sèaspar would be an accurate adaption.

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I was hoping so :stuck_out_tongue: I figured since it wasn’t originally a Gàidhlig name that an alternate spelling would be newer but I’ve only just started learning Gàidhlig so I wasn’t sure if I’d know how to translate it myself

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good luck on learning !! its a hard language lol

Thanks! I’m doing good so far (duolingo) but def getting stumped on the feelings section :sweat_smile:

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