Gannon? Opinions?

What does everyone think about the name [name]Gannon[/name]? I heard it awhile ago on some TV show and loved it but since kind of forgotten about it and recently my s/o has brought it back up…I haven’t heard it much so don’t really know what others think of the name. What’s your opinion?

Well, it’s the name of the villain on “[name]Legend[/name] of [name]Zelda[/name]”…

I like it. It’s in line with the using last names as first names trend.

I like it! Makes me think of flocks of [name]Canada[/name] geese for some reason. Maybe because I think of “gander” and “merganser.”

[name]Gawain[/name] is another nice one, with a lot of great history/legend behind it. You can pronounce it the old way, “GOW-en,” or the new way, “Ga-[name]WAIN[/name]”

I too get the [name]Legend[/name] of [name]Zelda[/name] villain association. Not sure I’d want to name my son after a sorcerer pig…

I’ve never heard anyone say [name]Gawain[/name] as ‘gow-en’ before.

Sounds like one of those trendy unisex names I hate.

[name]Gannon[/name] is an awesome, underused, Irish name. I like it. It sounds fresh but has history.

Hmm. Odd sound and flow. Makes me think “cannon.” Not loving it.

It is a little bit [name]Legend[/name] of [name]Zelda[/name], but I don’t think that association is a big enough deal to make it unusable. I think that the sound of it is appealing. I wouldn’t use it, but I like it.

It is a surname to me. :confused: Otherwise, the sound and meaning are appealing.

It’s the name of the main villain in the “[name]Legend[/name] of [name]Zelda[/name]” video game series, which I grew up with, so for me, it screams “[name]Legend[/name] of [name]Zelda[/name]”, but for others, maybe not so much. Plus, it’s spelled [name]Ganon[/name] in the games, so I think it’d be alright to use.

It is a 16 and pregnant name. Only time I have ever heard it.

It makes me think of gammon, like the food. And cannons.

Not loving it if I’m honest.

The TV show you heard it on was 16 and Pregnant. I actually like this name though, one of the few from that show that I can say that about.

A Gammon Steak is a piece of ham. Sounds identical.