My sister isn’t expecting, but we were just discussing baby names since she’s engaged and would like to TTC sometime after they get married. She really likes the name [name]Garland[/name] for a boy because she’s big into genealogy and the name goes way back in our heritage as both a first and last name. I realize Nameberry says this name is female only, but every [name]Garland[/name] in our family tree has been male and she likes the name better for a boy. So my question is what do you all think of [name]Garland[/name] Gadler? The last name is Gadler. Middle name would be [name]Patrick[/name]. [name]Do[/name] you like the alliteration? She’s a little iffy on it, but her fiance and I both think the names sound really cool together. I almost think it sounds like a stage name which is funny because she and her fiance are both professional musicians. Thoughts?
Honestly, I think [name]Garland[/name] Gadler is too much of a tongue twister. I’m usually a fan of alliteration but that particular combo is a mouthful.
I don’t like it at all, it’s difficult to say and the three three names are all 2 syllable names so th flow is a little off.
[name]Grady[/name] Gadler would sound a little better, but that doesn’t have the same family history.
Alliteration is ok but this repeats several letters beyond the first.
I prefer [name]Garland[/name] on a boy as well.
Perhaps if she is dead set on [name]Garland[/name] she could hyphenate her maiden & married name (putting the G name on the second spot) this way it breaks it up.
[name]Garland[/name] [name]Patrick[/name] ___________- Gadler
Assuming her other surname option isn’t full of Gs, Ds, Ls & Rs!
[name]Do[/name] not like. It’s not the alliteration per se, there are too many of the same sounds altogether.
I love the name [name]Garland[/name], but actually did have it on my wish list for a girl. However, I altered it to [name]Garlan[/name] for a boy on the same wish list. [name]Garlan[/name] sounds a bit more masculine…and less like a christmas tree decoration or fan of [name]Judy[/name]'s which seem more feminine.
[name]Garlan[/name] Gadler…I like it.
The only [name]Garland[/name] I know is a 3 year old boy. First and last name sound ok together.
I like [name]Garland[/name] on a boy as well. But I agree it does sound to alliterative. But I agree if he had two middle names it would work nicely
I’m afraid I find it quite hard to say and that puts me off it. It does sound stage-namey but not in a good way, sorry!
I think I’d keep mishearing it. It makes me think of [name]Cap[/name] [name]Garland[/name] in the [name]Little[/name] House on the Praire.
Too much alliteration for my taste. It’s definitely a tongue twister. What about [name]Patrick[/name] [name]Garland[/name]?
[name]Do[/name] not like at all. [name]WAY[/name] too hard to say. And I usually like alliteration, but this is too much. Comes out sounding…garbled. (Literally.)
Waaaaay too much for a name, [name]Garland[/name] is to much with the surname. [name]Patrick[/name] [name]Garland[/name] G- would be much better.
I love that [name]Garland[/name] has family history, but [name]Garland[/name] Gadler is definitely a bit of a tongue twister! Perhaps [name]Patrick[/name] [name]Garland[/name] Gadler instead, since middle names aren’t spoken as often?