Generating a list

Hi, I’m struggling to directly save a list from the namehunter section into and actual list which is a bit frustrating. Is is possible to do that or do you have to do it manually? The interface of the namehunter is so much prettier that the simple list generator and you can also “rate” them is it possible to do that on a regular list?

[name_m]Hi[/name_m] @poutchitos, welcome to the forums.

Unfortunately, you can’t bulk-save all items generated in a Namehunter search into a list. You would have to either click on each name and “[name_m]Add[/name_m] to List” (pink dropdown menu with list icon), or go into “My Stuff” > “My Lists” under your username (orange box, top left), create a new list and manually type them all in.

They will not be rateable within the list but you can rate each name on its name page and view these under “My Stuff” > “My Name Ratings”. Public user lists are also rateable as a full list.

If you don’t need the list to be interactive, there’s always the option of screenshotting the Namehunter list and copy-pasting it into a doc for your own use.

Sorry not to have fully resolved your query but I hope that helps!