Genuine thoughts these names?

I do genealogy as a hobby and keep a file note of all the unique names I come across working people’s trees. I find some really beautiful things and some very obscure monikers, too. I wanted to share some here and hear people’s thoughts on them.

Omra (f)
Daisylene (f)
[name_f]Appoline[/name_f] (f)
[name_f]Velva[/name_f] (f)
Oselie (f)
[name_f]Ermelinda[/name_f] (f)
Rosaire (f)
[name_f]Esperance[/name_f] (f)

I should note that many of these came from my own family’s [name_m]French[/name_m] (Acadian) lineage. [name_f]Esperance[/name_f] is translated from [name_m]French[/name_m] to mean something like ‘hope’.

Omra - I have a hard time imagining this on a child, but it reminds me of a wise, old woman.
Daisylene - This is adorable! It reminds me of [name_u]Abilene[/name_u] and [name_f]Jubilee[/name_f]. So so cute!
[name_f]Appoline[/name_f] - This one reminds me of [name_f]Amaryllis[/name_f]. It sounds so adorable, but I just don’t know that I could ever actually see it on a child.
[name_f]Velva[/name_f] - I love this! I’ve heard [name_f]Velvet[/name_f] used before, but [name_f]Velva[/name_f] sounds so elegant and appropriate!
Oselie - This is cute, but I don’t know that I could ever bring myself to use it. I think it would be so cute to nickname her “[name_m]Ozzie[/name_m]” though!
[name_f]Ermelinda[/name_f] - This is beautiful! And there are so many possible nicknames! I would love to call her [name_u]Erie[/name_u], or [name_f]Erma[/name_f].
Rosaire - This is so cute, and unexpected! I always love names that can be shortened to [name_f]Rose[/name_f], and this is no exception. It, again, reminds me of an old, wise woman. I love it!
[name_f]Esperance[/name_f] - This is gorgeous! I might put it somewhere on my own list. [name_m]How[/name_m] beautiful!! And, again, there are so many nickname options. Calling her Esper or Espie would be adorable!

Omra - this is intriguing! I’m quite drawn to the sounds

Daisylene -it looks a tiny bit awkward to me

[name_f]Appoline[/name_f] - I prefer the spelling [name_f]Apolline[/name_f] but i love this name. Such a vibrant sound

[name_f]Velva[/name_f] - cute but also kind of close of vulva? Not sure if that bothers you

Oselie -i like names with this rhythm so I think it could grow on me

[name_f]Ermelinda[/name_f] -fussy and clunky but i kind of like it

Rosaire -like this a lot -full of flair but still familiar. I love the sounds

[name_f]Esperance[/name_f] - I like the meaning and sleek sounds

[name_f]Esperance[/name_f] and [name_f]Apolline[/name_f] are both usable and lovely

I love [name_f]Appoline[/name_f] (nn [name_f]Apple[/name_f] is adorable) and Rosaire

Rosaire and [name_f]Appoline[/name_f] are so sweet! Oselie is also intriguing, how do you pronounce it? Esperence is nice too, it has cute nicknames.
The others aren’t usable or don’t sound good to me. Especially [name_f]Velva[/name_f], yikes.

Omra is a bit of a pronunciation issue
Daisylene is kinda tacky, sorry
[name_f]Appoline[/name_f] is gorgeous, but I prefer it with one p
[name_f]Velva[/name_f] is too close to vulva
Oselie is another pronunciation issue
[name_f]Ermelinda[/name_f] is perfection
Rosaire isn’t my style, but it’s nice
[name_f]Esperance[/name_f] is lovely
You have interesting taste.

I think [name_f]Appoline[/name_f]/[name_f]Apolline[/name_f] is elegant and very wearable!

None of the others are really my style (though Daisylene might be cute on a pet) and I think a lot of them would cause pronunciation/spelling issues. And [name_f]Velva[/name_f] is so close to vulva that it seems like a cruel name to bestow on a little girl.

Omra - I like the look of it better than the sound. I think of the masculine [name_m]Omri[/name_m].
Daisylene - I prefer just [name_f]Daisy[/name_f], because this comes across as “days of lean” when said aloud.
[name_f]Appoline[/name_f] - lovely name
[name_f]Velva[/name_f] - This is too close to vulva for me. [name_m]Can[/name_m]’t do, sorry.
Oselie - Hmmm. I’m going to have to mull this one over. I think I like it…but it’s going to take some getting used to.
[name_f]Ermelinda[/name_f] - This is in my family tree, way back. I don’t dislike it…[name_f]Belinda[/name_f], [name_f]Melinda[/name_f], and [name_f]Linda[/name_f] are all preferable to me though, because this sounds like dialogue: “Erm, [name_f]Linda[/name_f]?”
Rosaire - I adore this name. I wish I could convince the husband to love it just as much.
[name_f]Esperance[/name_f] - Gorgeous, though I slightly prefer the Spanish [name_f]Esperanza[/name_f].

Omra (f)- it’s ok, a little too close to [name_f]Oma[/name_f] (grandma) for me to see it on a child)
Daisylene (f)- cute
[name_f]Appoline[/name_f] (f)- I LOVE [name_f]Apolline[/name_f]/Appoline and it’s a popular name on my family tree as well. I would totally use it if my husband would let me!
[name_f]Velva[/name_f]- could be cute but is too close to vulva for me
Oselie (f)- this is really cute!
[name_f]Ermelinda[/name_f] (f)- I would say this is fusty sounding, I would put it in the same category of [name_f]Beulah[/name_f], [name_f]Gertrude[/name_f], etc.
Rosaire (f)- this is interesting, I think it would make an awesome middle name.
[name_f]Esperance[/name_f] (f)- I love this one too, it’s a little softer than [name_f]Esperanza[/name_f] (though my favorite form of this name is Esperie!)