Georgia or Lucia?

See the results of this poll: which of these gets you vote?

Respondents: 39 (This poll is closed)

  • Georgia (gigi) : 15 (38%)
  • Lucia (lulu): 24 (62%)

I love both but I picked [name]Lucia[/name]. I love the nickname [name]Lulu[/name].

[name]Lucia[/name] definitely :slight_smile:
[name]Just[/name] wondering if your pronouncing it Loo-Sha or Loo-[name]Chi[/name]-[name]Ah[/name]?

I like both, but if you’re pairing it with [name]Pearl[/name], I would [name]Lucia[/name].

Definitey [name]Lucia[/name]! I’ve always thought [name]Georgia[/name] was an ugly name for a little girl (no offense) but probably just because I live on the border of [name]Georgia[/name] and South [name]Carolina[/name]. Any girl named [name]Georgia[/name] would certainly get some eye rolling and snide remarks in my area.

The names give off different vibes for me. [name]Georgia[/name] is a spunky and sassy Southern belle while [name]Lucia[/name] is a lush and romantic European lady. I love both names but I’m voted for [name]Lucia[/name] [name]Pearl[/name] because [name]Georgia[/name] [name]Pearl[/name] sounds like a description of a THING rather than a [name]PERSON[/name]'s name.

I chose [name]Lucia[/name], but I think they’re both gorgeous. :). [name]Lucia[/name] [name]Pearl[/name] is nice.

I like both names, but with [name]Pearl[/name] I prefer [name]Lucia[/name]. Although no matter which pronunciation you choose (I say loo-sha), you will always have some people mispronouncing it.

[name]Even[/name] though I don’t like it with [name]Pearl[/name], I still voted for [name]Georgia[/name].

[name]Lucia[/name]'s multiple pronunciations bug me. I don’t really like any of them, and I never know which one to pick when I read the name.

[name]Both[/name] are beautiful but [name]Lucia[/name] has my heart!