GGG Triplets - Isabella, Annamarie & Gemma ???

[name]Hi[/name]! My husband and I are expecting girl triplets in [name]September[/name]… We have a very Italian surname and want names that compliment it, but are not complicated. I grew up with an unusual complicated name, so I know how that goes…

Based upon our gene pool, they will likely have dark hair… :wink:
Any feedback is appreciated!!!

Sidenote - have been toying with [name]Sabrina[/name]… or [name]Celeste[/name]… as [name]Isabella[/name] is sooooo popular… but we don’t know anyone with a child named [name]Isabella[/name] and we both think is so pretty…

First & middle would be:

[name]Isabella[/name] [name]Irene[/name]
[name]Annamarie[/name] [name]Nicole[/name]
[name]Gemma[/name] [name]Emilee[/name]

  • All middle names are family-related…

[name]Isabella[/name] being #1 on the list is [name]WAY[/name] too high for me. :frowning: I know some people will advise to go with a name if you love it, but look up the year of your birth on the SS site, think back to your days growing up and through high school/college and the #1-10s were just soooooo common! I had three [name]Jennifer[/name] friends who all hated their names.

That being said, I find your choice of [name]Gemma[/name] interesting, because it seems to be a lot more unusual than the other two. I LIKE the name, I just wonder if you might want to consider a sibset that is made up of more similar name types.

With the names you’ve already thrown into the pot, I kind of like

better than you’re top three. Or maybe substituting [name]Annamarie[/name] for [name]Gemma[/name]. Very sweet names, all of them!

Congrats on the triplets! I love [name]Annamarie[/name] and [name]Gemma[/name] together. [name]Isabella[/name] is pretty and if you love it then I wouldnt worry about the popularity. It it far more common than the other two, but it doesnt clash. There were over 22,000 little Isabellas born last year alone.

I would change the mn for [name]Gemma[/name] though, Gemma [name]Em[/name]ilee is a little repetitive. [name]Gemma[/name] [name]Nicole[/name]/[name]Irene[/name] and [name]Annamarie[/name] [name]Emilee[/name] are better matched imo.

If you do decide to go for something other than [name]Isabella[/name], here are some suggestions:

I think they’re beautiful names for your girls. They complement each other without being rhyme-y or match-y. I do like your alternate names for [name]Isabella[/name], especially [name]Sabrina[/name], but if you really love [name]Isabella[/name], use it.

Popularity doesn’t mean what it used to. With 22,000 Isabellas in the U.S. in 2009, that averages out to about 440 per state. When you think how many elementary schools are in each city in most states, the chances of there being 10 Isabellas in a school are pretty slim. To compare, there were over 57,000 Jennifers born in 1982. The population was quite a bit smaller then, so you’re dealing with a much higher percentage of births. Sorry if that’s too technical, but I just think you shouldn’t let “it’s the number one name” turn you away from a choice you both love. :slight_smile:

Congrats on the triplets! I’m sure they’ll be lovely!

I think [name]Isabella[/name] is very pretty, but it is very popular, especially compared to [name]Annamarie[/name] and [name]Gemma[/name]. I do love [name]Gemma[/name] as a cute and quirky alternative to popular classic [name]Emma[/name], and I think with your Italian last name, which is likely longer (right?), [name]Gemma[/name] - or other two-syllable names - is a perfect fit. [name]Annamarie[/name] feels older than either [name]Isabella[/name] or [name]Gemma[/name], simply because it isn’t near as commonplace nowadays. It’s a pretty joint name, but I don’t know that I think it’s the best fit.

[name]Irene[/name], [name]Nicole[/name], and [name]Emilee[/name] for middles? Okay. Well, firstly I’d advise against [name]Gemma[/name] [name]Emilee[/name], as it sounds like [name]Emma[/name] [name]Emily[/name]. Ha! [name]Nicole[/name] feels much more dated than either of the other two, whereas [name]Emilee[/name] is a more trendy spin on a classic ([name]Emily[/name]) and [name]Irene[/name] is vintage. What about some variants of these family names to generate ideas? For [name]Irene[/name], you could go with anything meaning “peace,” as that’s what [name]Irene[/name] means - [name]Frieda[/name], [name]Salome[/name], [name]Salama[/name], [name]Salima[/name], [name]Selima[/name], [name]Selma[/name], [name]Salma[/name], [name]Serenity[/name]. She’s got variants like [name]Irena[/name] and [name]Irina[/name], but you’ve got to get the pronunciation right - or at least get a consistent one - or you might land yourself in a world of trouble, you know? Or, go with a sweet diminutive form like [name]Rena[/name]! In addition to being a pet form of [name]Irene[/name], it’s also a Hebrew name meaning “joyous melody” - sweet, right? Yep. For [name]Nicole[/name], you could get flouncy and French with [name]Nicolette[/name], but I’m not sure that’s your best bet with an Italian last name. It could work, though. Or, try [name]Colette[/name], a short form of [name]Nicole[/name] and [name]Nicolette[/name] with the same great meaning - “people of victory” or “victory of the people.” One of my favorites is actually [name]Nicola[/name], though, which has a nice melodic sound when pronounced as [[name]NICK[/name]-oh-la]. [name]Lovely[/name]! As for [name]Emilee[/name], there are approximately 101 ways to spell it, it seems. Ha! No, I kid you. But, unless [name]Emilee[/name] is a special spelling for you, I might recommend going with classic [name]Emily[/name], French [name]Emilie[/name], or any of the various variants - [name]Amalia[/name], [name]Amelia[/name], [name]Amelie[/name], [name]Emelina[/name], [name]Emeline[/name], [name]Emelia[/name], [name]Emma[/name], [name]Emmeline[/name], [name]Melia[/name] (diminutive of [name]Amelia[/name] meaning “energetic” - nice!), or [name]Mila[/name].

Okay, back to [name]Gemma[/name], I love her because she is an Italian name, but she’s got a very almost-British, hipster feel that also fits into the yuppy classic set. She’s a chameleon alright! I’m going to go ahead and suggest names to pair with her because she’s my favorite for you, but if you love, love, love [name]Isabella[/name] and [name]Annamarie[/name], go for it, okay? You seem to like those double letters, so I’ll see if I can do anything with that first:


So, some of these are more name-like, like [name]Gemma[/name], than others. If I were you, I’d try these pairings, which are a good match but not matching:

[name]Calla[/name], [name]Gemma[/name], and [name]Pippa[/name] ([name]Cal[/name], [name]Gem[/name], and [name]Pip[/name] or [name]Callie[/name], [name]Gem[/name], and [name]Pippi[/name])
[name]Lilla[/name], [name]Gemma[/name], and [name]Hanna[/name] ([name]Lil[/name], [name]Gem[/name], and Han or [name]Lilly[/name], [name]Gem[/name], and [name]Hannie[/name])
[name]Britta[/name], [name]Gemma[/name], and [name]Calla[/name] ([name]Britt[/name], [name]Gem[/name], and [name]Cal[/name] or [name]Brie[/name], [name]Gem[/name], and [name]Callie[/name])

I’d say [name]Lilla[/name] [name]Salome[/name] [SA-luh-may], [name]Gemma[/name] [name]Colette[/name], and [name]Hanna[/name] [name]Emeline[/name] would be pretty as a set.

[name]Lemon[/name] :slight_smile:

Congrats on your triplets!
I do think that [name]Isabella[/name] is too popular especially with the Twilight thing!
What do you think about?

[name]Hope[/name] these help!

Congrats on your triplets!
I do think that [name]Isabella[/name] is too popular especially with the Twilight thing!
What do you think about?

[name]Hope[/name] these help!

This may surprise you in regard to the popularity of [name]Isabella[/name] in [name]Italy[/name]. My friend [name]Isabella[/name] lives in [name]Rome[/name] and her name is not the least popular there! I think it is a fantastic name and even popularity would not stop me using it. I would favour her nn as [name]Ella[/name] rather than [name]Bella[/name].

I like [name]Gemma[/name] but would like to see it in a longer form and I can’t find one.

[name]Isabella[/name], [name]Annamarie[/name] and [name]Juliet[/name] perhaps?

I think it is a load of tripe not to use a name because it was used in a popular novel. All the names in the novel are great and should not be shelved because they were characters in one book!


From scanning a friend from [name]Milan[/name]'s 1000+ contacts on Facebook, here are some names that should work well with an Italian last name in the US:


Well u obviously want to keep the middle names as you’ve stated they are family names . But maybe instead of [name]Gemma[/name] which isn’t Italian (that I know of) what about [name]Gianna[/name]? I think that would go great with
[name]Isabella[/name] (which I love) I also like [name]Angelina[/name] in place of annamarie.
Best wishes and congrats! <3

I really like:

[name]Louisa[/name] [name]Nicole[/name]
[name]Gemma[/name] [name]Irene[/name]
[name]Adelina[/name] [name]Emilee[/name]

Wow, triplet girls! Congrats!


Well first, I love the name [name]Gemma[/name] [name]Emilee[/name], i actually love names that sound a bit similar i think that many times they flow really well. Second I’m debating the [name]Isabella[/name] thing too, while i love the name it does sort of bother me how common it is with little girls right now ( i grew up with like 6 other girls with my name in my class) other names we like alternately to isabella are; adelina, sabrina, lila, serafina, and juliet.