To me [name_f]Zsa[/name_f] looks like it should be pronounced [name_f]Zee[/name_f]-sha, rather than Zaa. I think that you need to remember that is not you who would be correcting the pronunciation of her name into adulthood. I think [name_f]Zaza[/name_f] would be a better choice for your daughter’s name.
[name_f]Zaza[/name_f] is an instinctive way to get the sound combination that you are looking for. [name_f]Zaza[/name_f] as no more nicknamey than [name_f]Lola[/name_f]—which is on your list. I know a little girl named [name_f]Zaza[/name_f] and it works for her. It doesn’t seem too nicknamey.
I agree! I feel it’s going to be hard to make the name work in a way that pleases us…It’s easier to pick the straight forward ‘version’ of the name if we like the sound of it.
I think Zurie is such a great choice!! My favourite by far. It has the feel that you wanted for [name_f]Zsa[/name_f] [name_f]Zsa[/name_f] but is intuitive in pronunciation, feminine but strong and unique but not indecipherable.