Girl Sibsets- 5 Letters ending in -a

Start with your favourite (or any) girls name that is 5 letters long and ends in -a

I’ll pick: LEILA

Then: Keeping with the 5 letters and leaving the ‘a’ at the end. Remove one letter and add a new letter and rearrange the letters to make a new name.

So I will remove an L from LEILA leaving me with the letters LEIA…If I rearrange these remaining letters and add the letter ‘z’ I can find the name ELIZA

You can stop there or continue by either removing one, two or even three letters from Eliza and rearranging the letters again.
So if I remove L and Z and add an S and N… I get SIENA…

also added bonus if the first letters of all your names also make a name…
I’m my case (or newly made sibset) the letters spell out Les, which just so happens to be a family honour name.


If I continue with this pattern of removing adding and rearranging and I even find a larger ‘sibset’ with my family members full name(Leslie), but I won’t bore you with that process.

Hope this all makes sense and you enjoy it.

I don’t quite get it but I’ll try


First letters don’t make a name sorry. But re. calling your daughter (or son) [name_u]Les[/name_u] - please go with the full [name_u]Leslie[/name_u], otherwise it’ll be bloody tragic if they do turn out gay lmao



First letters spell out [name_m]Matt[/name_m] :slight_smile: