I’m writing a book and I have a character who has a split personality. Her other personality is named [name]Sloane[/name], and she’s the bad girl that tells the main character to do bad things, kind of like her id. I need a name for my main c! She’s supposed to be a basically good girl, but does some borderline things because she’s dependent on [name]Sloane[/name] and what [name]Sloane[/name] tells her to do.
I originally named her [name]Courtney[/name], but she’s totally the opposite of a [name]Courtney[/name]. She’s not supposed to be super feminine or anything, just a girl. Then I was thinking [name]Ryan[/name], but [name]Ryan[/name]'s too masculine sounding. I don’t have any suggestions past that, although I was considering [name]Sydney[/name].
I’d use [name]Nell[/name]. [name]Nell[/name] screams sophisticated, determined girl, with a good head on her shoulders, who has been raised with good morals and virtues. But, I also see [name]Nell[/name] breaking free from the traditions of the name she has been given, a name that may even have been chosen to honor a relative (I say this because [name]Nell[/name] is a diminutive of [name]Eleanor[/name] and [name]Nellie[/name]). I love the name [name]Nell[/name], honestly!
If that isn’t working for you, I’d use something like [name]Leah[/name], [name]Claire[/name], [name]Jane[/name], [name]Maeve[/name], [name]Sylvia[/name], [name]Charlotte[/name], or [name]Caroline[/name]. They seem like names mostly fitting of good-girls, right?
I’d just like to mention that the name [name]Sloane[/name] doesn’t at all say bad girl to me. In fact, [name]Sloane[/name] seems like a decent name for your main character! Bad girl names, to me, are names that exude confidence, femininity, power, and sass - which, written out, seem good. I associate bad girls with named like [name]Bianca[/name], [name]Roxy[/name], [name]Cleo[/name], [name]Erica[/name], and [name]Nora[/name] (there was a really, well, slutty girl I used to go to school with named [name]Nora[/name], and she didn’t have a very nice nickname…) - [name]Bianca[/name] really stands out here, though! The only way I see [name]Sloane[/name] as a “bad girl” is if I envision [name]Sloane[/name] [name]Peterson[/name], [name]Ferris[/name] [name]Bueller[/name]'s girlfriend in [name]Ferris[/name] [name]Bueller[/name]‘s [name]Day[/name] Off. [name]Even[/name] she wasn’t that bad - she was just going along with [name]Ferris[/name]’ plan…
oh my gosh… i [name]ADORE[/name] [name]Delaney[/name]…
I just love that name…
other than that, i’d have to say::
[name]Cadence[/name] or [name]Kaden[/name]