Giselle - off limits?

Is [name]Giselle[/name] off limits due to her first syllable?

Well, personally for me, it isn’t off limits. The main reason though is I pronounce the first syllable with S, not Z. [name]Even[/name] though I’m still convinced the “standard” pronunciation is with the Z, I think it would be perfectly usable.

I would say [name]Giselle[/name] is of limits due to pronunciation issues. It will be probably pronounced either “gee-sell” or “giz-el”. Either way it doesn’t seem too appealing.

My husband and I both love the name. I think it’s beautiful and sophisticated. I pronounce it more like Juh-zel. I think all names have pronunciation issues for some people. My name has a long ‘O’ and growing up, many people pronounced it with a short O. It never really bothered me though. I’m 99% sure my next daugters name will be [name]Giselle[/name].

Considering there’s an internationally renowned supermodel called [name]Giselle[/name], I don’t think there’s any issue with the name.

I think middle and high school would be rough for a girl with the jizz sound in her name, but it doesn’t make it off limits.

I didn’t even realize what the problem would be until I saw the other comments, so no!

Haha, I didn’t even get it at first, and I’m 19.

[name]Giselle[/name] is fine. There’s the supermodel, so that alone would be a positive enough of a connotation.
Also here we grew up knowing the name [name]Giselle[/name], and we never ever made the connection with the first syllable. I think it’s safe.

I think you’re overthinking it. I say ‘jah - zell’ and any name probably has teasing potential in it somewhere. Its a pretty name and the supermodel helps make it well-known enough.

I wouldn’t use it.

I’ve never heard anyone make fun of this name before, and I’m usually the first to notice horrible things people could turn a name into!

Agree, the first syl for me is more of a jah/juh sound.

Regardless of how you say it, I would never zero in on that as an issue.

I think it’s fine. It has a gorgeous & glamorous namesake that makes it familiar enough. Go for it!

Not at all.

Well I had to think about it for a bit before I got it, so I wouldn’t have any problem with it.

However, if you’re considering this for your list and made the connection, I wouldn’t use it. You wouldn’t want to think about how they were made every time you looked at your child!

I think it is safe!

I’ve known someone named [name]Giselle[/name] for 8 years. Never made that connection.
[name]Nor[/name] did anyone make fun of her.

I love the name and had never thought of that association! I have met a few Giselles, mostly French and it is my favourite ballet so I say go for it!

I like this name but actually took it off my list due to this very reason… I think it is unusable :frowning:

That is why it’s never been on my favorites list. Sorry. [name]Every[/name] name has SOMETHING that is a potential tease factor though. You have to weigh the positives and negatives and make your own choice on it.