Globe Soup Genre Smash Challenge

I signed up for a short story contest, my theme being “Alternative History + Fantasy” and have the general idea down;

Before the start of the Revolutionary War, one of the wrongfully begot treasures of the British Museum broke open, releasing a demon. Bringing its brethren to our world, the English were forced to flee to America, leaving their home to become known as the Demon Isle.

I’ve got the plot down, but what should the actual occuring item be? I’ve got a few that were actually there at that time. Which do you prefer?

The Crouching Venus ------------- The Akan Drum

The Piranesi VaseThe Sword of an Indian Officer

  • The Statue
  • The Drum
  • The Vase
  • The Sword
0 voters

The drum gives me vibes of like maybe someone beat it in just the right rhythm to call the demons there?