What are some good old English girls names along the same vein as [name]Daphne[/name] and [name]Jemima[/name]? [name]Just[/name] wondering if there are some other golden names out there to consider. Thinking of names popular in the 1900s.
I’m not sure if all of these were in common use in 1900, but they are all classic, old-fashioned English names … how about :
[name]Martha[/name] (among the working class)
I hope this helped!
For starters, I’ve always thought of [name]Jemima[/name] in the same style as [name]Imogen[/name] and [name]Tamsin[/name]… It could be the i’s and m’s they have in common, or that they seem “quintessentially British” (which is what nameberry says of [name]Daphne[/name]).
Also, I only think of the greek myth when I think of [name]Daphne[/name], and there are many beautiful names from Greek mythology, so you might like some more of those… There are a lot, so here is a link to the most important/famous of them ^^ –> http://www.paleothea.com/Basic.html
(paleothea.com is a site devoted entirely to women in Greek myths, so you can find many more there than on that particular link I provided
Other than that, my thoughts went to many of the same names as twinkle just posted, but you somehow seem to be looking for something less classic if that makes sense ^^
I came to these names:
[name]Briony[/name] (or [name]Bryony[/name])
[name]Amity[/name]/[name]Verity[/name]/[name]Unity[/name] (or virtue names in general)
[name]Gwen[/name] (or [name]Gwendolyn[/name])
I think maybe these might help?
Finally I would like to add [name]Ethel[/name], which I think has a beautiful sound but is unfortunately hated by most people (could use [name]Etheline[/name], which is equally beautiful in my opinion) or [name]Thelma[/name]/[name]Selma[/name] which are also undeservingly hated by most.
I just have to say this is a gorgeous list and I love the suggestions of [name]Mabel[/name], [name]Tamsin[/name],[name]Imogen[/name], [name]Salome[/name], Ottillie,[name]Beatrix[/name], [name]Rosamund[/name], [name]Agnes[/name], [name]Maeve[/name], [name]Ione[/name] and Phillippa
Also, to go with the virtue theme, there is also:
[name]Hope[/name] (always one of my top ten favorite classics)
[name]Blythe[/name] (a recent favorite of mine and I keep liking it more and more, may use some day)
also Ottillie reminded me of [name]Romilly[/name] nn [name]Romy/name
I’ve always loved flower names that the English use or ones that are much more commonly used in the UK that the States. They’re a bit out in left field and more adventurous than what Americans typically use…even [name]Iris[/name] is pretty underused here even though I have a feeling it may get pretty big
I love people’s view of [name]England[/name] No-one ever uses these names over here - I know one person with [name]Daffodil[/name] as their middle name, and that’s it.
They’re pretty, though, I agree on that!
I love people’s view of [name]England[/name] No-one ever uses these names over here - I know one person with [name]Daffodil[/name] as their middle name, and that’s it.
They’re pretty, though, I agree on that![/quote]
haha that’s funny, sorry about that. it was always my dream to be english as a kid. just like a friend in frnace that I have that still thinks everyone in america stills listens to grunge music?
I love people’s view of [name]England[/name] No-one ever uses these names over here - I know one person with [name]Daffodil[/name] as their middle name, and that’s it.
They’re pretty, though, I agree on that![/quote]
haha that’s funny, sorry about that. it was always my dream to be english as a kid. just like a friend in frnace that I have that still thinks everyone in america stills listens to grunge music? :)[/quote]
I don’t mind at all - Americans are always falling over themselves to talk to us because they think we’re so bizarre; it’s quite flattering, really:D
That’s hilarious about your French friend!
I also thought of :
and birth order names, like [name]Tertia[/name] for a third child and [name]Octavia[/name] for an eighth ([name]Octavia[/name] is now used as a name for any child, but I find this a little odd).