Got the 1st name picked - still trying to decide on a mn!

Hubby and I decided to go with [name]Rozlynn[/name]. I keep trying to get him to change it to the “s” spelling, but he won’t budge - he said he doesn’t want anyone mispronouncing it as [name]Roselyn[/name], and he thinks that the “z” spelling is “cool” - lol. So I told him I want the double “n” b/c I think (and please correct me if I’m wrong) that the double “n” softens the “z” and helps make it seem more feminine - [name]Rozlynn[/name], as opposed to [name]Rozlyn[/name]. I know that most of you were hoping on the “s” spelling - as was I - but he said if we pick this name, it has to be spelled with a “z”.

So we are STILL trying to decide on a mn. As I told you all before, we were going to go with [name]James[/name] to honor hubby’s brother who had passed away. And we both think that [name]Rozlynn[/name] [name]James[/name] flows great! But we are still trying to keep our options open, AND are trying to use a family name. However we don’t really like any other name to go with [name]Rozlynn[/name]. So other than [name]James[/name], here is what we have for family names:

[name]Sue[/name], [name]Suzanne[/name], [name]Susan[/name]
[name]Raquel[/name] (my name)
[name]Josephine[/name] (is the only one i like, but he thinks its too long)
[name]Rose[/name] (already used as a mn for our 1st dd, AND [name]Rozlynn[/name] means [name]Rose[/name])
[name]Marie[/name] (not a fam name, but is a very, very close friend of the fam)

We could also use a different (family) male name and try to feminize them.
[name]Ray[/name] (i think [name]Rozlynn[/name] [name]Rae[/name] sounds cute)
[name]Patrick[/name] (my husband, so easily can be [name]Patricia[/name], but he doesn’t want to use it since we used it as a mn for our son who passed.)
[name]Joseph[/name] (this would be [name]Josephine[/name])

Thanks for your help!

I like [name]Rozlynn[/name] [name]Rae[/name] although I’m not the biggest fan of aliterations :stuck_out_tongue: I would go with [name]Rozlynn[/name] [name]James[/name] but there is a possibility that she’ll be called R.J. later in life which sounds kind of tomboy-ish to me…Other than that, it really flows great!

Have you thought about adding a second middle name? I think that [name]James[/name] “framed” by two modern names would be great…

Maybe [name]Rozlynn[/name] [name]James[/name] [name]Ciel[/name]? It’s the French word for heaven (pronounced cee-el) and I think it has a nice ring to it. And it’s quite girly too :wink:

I think you shouldn’t force a family connection when it comes to naming your child - If it flows as nicely as [name]Rozlynn[/name] [name]James[/name] and it feels right, go ahead. But after all your child has to carry that name for the rest of her life. I have a friend who is named after her two great-grandmothers she’s never met: [name]Victoria[/name] [name]Brigitte[/name] [name]Herta[/name]. She doesn’t like that name at all because she doesn’t have a personal connection to it. It’s just her parents who like it!

I hope I could help you a tiny bit with your decision. Go with your gut feeling and pick [name]Rozlynn[/name] [name]James[/name]. :wink: And your hubby really doesn’t want to change the z to an s? Try to convince him :stuck_out_tongue: It looks a lot better imho! :wink:

[name]Rozlynn[/name] [name]Josie[/name]
[name]Rozlynn[/name] [name]Michaela[/name]

are pretty.

[name]Rozlynn[/name] [name]Jane[/name] (vs [name]James[/name])

[name]Rozlynn[/name] [name]Amelia[/name]
[name]Rozlynn[/name] [name]Aurelia[/name]
[name]Rozlynn[/name] [name]Eleanor[/name]
[name]Rozlynn[/name] [name]Amy[/name]
[name]Rozlynn[/name] [name]Elle[/name]
[name]Rozlynn[/name] [name]Georgette[/name]
[name]Rozlynn[/name] [name]Hannah[/name]
[name]Rozlynn[/name] [name]Katherine[/name]/[name]Kate[/name]
[name]Rozlynn[/name] [name]Lucy[/name]/[name]Lucille[/name]

[name]Sue[/name], [name]Suzanne[/name], [name]Susan[/name]
[name]Raquel[/name] (my name)
[name]Josephine[/name] (is the only one i like, but he thinks its too long)
[name]Rose[/name] (already used as a mn for our 1st dd, AND [name]Rozlynn[/name] means [name]Rose[/name])
[name]Marie[/name] (not a fam name, but is a very, very close friend of the fam)

We could also use a different (family) male name and try to feminize them.
[name]Ray[/name] (i think [name]Rozlynn[/name] [name]Rae[/name] sounds cute)
[name]Patrick[/name] (my husband, so easily can be [name]Patricia[/name], but he doesn’t want to use it since we used it as a mn for our son who passed.)
[name]Joseph[/name] (this would be [name]Josephine[/name])

I like [name]Rozlynn[/name]! Also, I think the idea of having [name]James[/name] ‘framed’ is great but if your other children don’t have two middle names I would be hesitant of showing some kind of favouritism. [name]Rozlynn[/name] [name]James[/name] sounds fine by itself but I’ll add some more suggestions anyway…

[name]Rozlynn[/name] [name]James[/name] [name]Susannah[/name] (for [name]Sue[/name]/[name]Susan[/name])
[name]Rozlynn[/name] [name]James[/name] [name]Marie[/name]
[name]Rozlynn[/name] [name]James[/name] [name]Dorothea[/name] (for [name]Dorothy[/name])
[name]Rozlynn[/name] [name]James[/name] [name]Georgina[/name] (for [name]George[/name])
[name]Rozlynn[/name] [name]James[/name] [name]Stacey[/name] (for [name]Stanley[/name])
[name]Rozlynn[/name] [name]James[/name] [name]Michaela[/name] (for [name]Michael[/name])
[name]Rozlynn[/name] [name]James[/name] [name]Breanna[/name] (for [name]Brett[/name])

[name]Hope[/name] this helped:) Good [name]Luck[/name]!

I understand exactly where your DH is coming from with the Z sound as we have two in our family with the Z spelling, one is legit, [name]Cruz[/name], the other made up with a Z in it. The legit one looks way better than the made up one imo.

I think your daughter is going to have a lifetime of spelling her name because it is not spelt traditionally.

My suggestions

[name]Rozlynn[/name] [name]Jodie[/name] [name]May[/name] I like the flow here sorry it is not [name]Mary[/name]
[name]Rozlynn[/name] [name]Michelle[/name] or [name]Micheline[/name]
[name]Rozlynn[/name] [name]Georgia[/name]
[name]Rozlynn[/name] [name]Rosemarie[/name]
[name]Rozlynn[/name] [name]Jacinta[/name]

([name]Jac[/name] as in [name]Jacqueline[/name] fem form of [name]James[/name], is that too much of a stretch?)

[name]Hi[/name]! I totally understand your husband not wanting your daughter’s name to be pronounced incorrectly, but I honestly think this spelling is ruining a beautiful, traditional name. I just want to give you my honest opinion, and you can take it or leave it. I also like the “uh” sound between the two syllables, and [name]Rozlynn[/name] gets rid of this! I think it would be better to go with the traditional Irish [name]Rosaleen[/name] (rose-uh-leen), traditional English [name]Rosalind[/name] (roz-uh-lind), or the traditional Spanish [name]Rosalyn[/name] (roz-uh-lyn or rosa-lyn)…

As for middle names, it REALLY depends on the length of the last name, and if your username gives me any hint, it is a long name, yes? Well, let me see what I can do:

[name]Rosaleen[/name] Maili (Maili has same meaning as [name]Mary[/name] in Irish)
[name]Rosaleen[/name] [name]Maura[/name] ([name]Maura[/name] has same meaning as [name]Mary[/name] in Irish)
[name]Rosaleen[/name] Siusan (Siusan is the Irish form of [name]Susan[/name])
[name]Rosaleen[/name] [name]Briana[/name]/[name]Brianna[/name] (“noble,” same meaning as [name]Patrick[/name])

[name]Rosalind[/name] [name]Mariel[/name] (English form of [name]Mary[/name]/[name]Marie[/name])
[name]Rosalind[/name] [name]Marissa[/name] (English form of [name]Mary[/name]/[name]Marie[/name])
[name]Rosalind[/name] [name]Lily[/name] (same meaning as [name]Susan[/name] - “lily flower”)
[name]Rosalind[/name] [name]Sue[/name]
[name]Rosalind[/name] [name]Josephina[/name] (English form of [name]Josephine[/name]/[name]Joseph[/name])
[name]Rosalind[/name] [name]Jackie[/name] (same meaning as [name]Jacqueline[/name] and [name]James[/name])
[name]Rosalind[/name] Jaquenetta (English form of [name]Jacqueline[/name])
[name]Rosalind[/name] [name]Georgia[/name] (English form of [name]George[/name])
[name]Rosalind[/name] [name]Adeline[/name] (same meaning as [name]Patrick[/name])
[name]Rosalind[/name] [name]Alberta[/name] (same meaning as [name]Patrick[/name])
[name]Rosalind[/name] [name]Alice[/name] (same meaning as [name]Patrick[/name])
[name]Rosalind[/name] [name]Patricia[/name] (English feminine form of [name]Patrick[/name])
[name]Rosalind[/name] [name]Patsy[/name] (English feminine form of [name]Patrick[/name])
[name]Rosalind[/name] [name]Michaela[/name] (English form of [name]Michael[/name])
[name]Rosalind[/name] [name]Brett[/name]

[name]Rosalyn[/name] [name]Mariana[/name] (Spanish form of [name]Mary[/name]/[name]Marie[/name])
[name]Rosalyn[/name] [name]Maritza[/name] (Spanish form of [name]Mary[/name]/[name]Marie[/name])
[name]Rosalyn[/name] [name]Raquel[/name] (it is Spanish!)
[name]Rosalyn[/name] [name]Dorotea[/name] (Spanish form of [name]Dorothy[/name])
[name]Rosalyn[/name] [name]Matia[/name] (same meaning as [name]Dorothy[/name] = gift of God)
[name]Rosalyn[/name] [name]Tea[/name] (same meaning as [name]Dorothy[/name])
[name]Rosalyn[/name] [name]Jaime[/name] (Spanish form of [name]James[/name], same meaning as [name]Jacqueline[/name])
[name]Rosalyn[/name] [name]Ramona[/name] (Spanish form of [name]Ray[/name], [name]Raymond[/name])
[name]Rosalyn[/name] Adalira (same meaning as [name]Patrick[/name])
[name]Rosalyn[/name] [name]Adelina[/name] (same meaning as [name]Patrick[/name])
[name]Rosalyn[/name] [name]Almira[/name] (same meaning as [name]Patrick[/name])
[name]Rosalyn[/name] Haide (same meaning as [name]Patrick[/name], said like [name]Heidi[/name])

[name]Hope[/name] you find something you love! Good luck!

FWIW, There’s a small town near where I grew up in [name]Washington[/name] called [name]Roslyn[/name], and I’ve never heard anyone pronounce it any other way than [name]Roz[/name]-[name]Lyn[/name]. It’s where the TV show Northern Exposure was filmed…bit of trivia for you :slight_smile:

So if it were me, I’d want [name]Roslyn[/name]. If I wanted to honor [name]James[/name] but feminize it, I’d go with

[name]Roslyn[/name] [name]Jamie[/name]
[name]Roslyn[/name] [name]Shay[/name] (has the same meaning as [name]James[/name])
[name]Roslyn[/name] [name]Jay[/name] or [name]Jae[/name]

I like [name]Roslyn[/name] [name]Shay[/name] the best…it flows well.

I love the [name]Rosalind[/name] spelling the most. If it has to be two syllables, I like [name]Roslyn[/name] the most. But I looked up [name]Roslyn[/name] and [name]Rozlynn[/name] is listed on Nameberry. To me it looks kind of misspelled though.
I wouldn’t put any of the [name]Ros[/name]- or [name]Roz[/name]- names with the middle name [name]Rose[/name]. They’re the same name.
[name]Love[/name] [name]Toby[/name]'smommy’s idea of [name]Rozlynn[/name] [name]Shay[/name] except of course I would spell it [name]Rosalind[/name] [name]Shea[/name].

I’m still trying to make it [name]Roslyn[/name], but he hasn’t budged on it yet! We still have some time. I found out the other day that we will be having the baby by c-section the week of Dec. 14 - we’ll find out the exact date when the doc’s schedule comes out (prob. in Nov).
But it is going to be the [name]Roslyn[/name] version - we’re not a fan of the [name]Rosa[/name]- ([name]Rosalyn[/name], [name]Rosalind[/name], etc.) versions - especially hubby! He’s one of those men who likes trendy, popular, and/or contemporary names (as I said before the Z in [name]Rozlyn[/name] is what caught his eye when I gave him my list).
I really like [name]Shay[/name]! I like that it is an Irish variant of [name]James[/name] (my husband is of Irish descent, and our 2 yr. old DD’s name is Irish). So I am currently trying to sell my husband on [name]Shay[/name] as a mn. He’s not completely opposed to it, but he doesn’t love it either.
Thank you everyone!