What spelling do you prefer?
[name_u]Grayson[/name_u] for some reason.
Personally, I prefer the spelling [name_u]Grayson[/name_u]. It just looks more… complete
I prefer [name_u]Greyson[/name_u]. I don’t really know why!
I prefer [name_u]Grayson[/name_u]!
[name_u]Greyson[/name_u]. [name_u]Grey[/name_u] just feels a lot softer
[name_u]Greyson[/name_u]. I’m just not a big fan of [name_u]Gray[/name_u].
Well I live in [name_u]Ireland[/name_u] so we spell it grey, in america they spell it gray, but I think [name_u]Grayson[/name_u] looks better written down.
I prefer [name_u]Greyson[/name_u], mainly because it looks softer to me, but also because that’s how I spell the word grey.
I prefer [name_u]Greyson[/name_u]
I’ve never quite gotten the difference in spelling when it comes to the colour and I’ve always spelled it [name_u]Grey[/name_u] despite those around me not liking it. I guess it transferred over to the names ( [name_u]Grey[/name_u] & [name_u]Greyson[/name_u] ).
[name_u]Grayson[/name_u] for sure
I much prefer [name_u]Greyson[/name_u]! It’s more aesthetically pleasing to me, the same way I vastly prefer the look of grey to gray.
I used to prefer [name_u]Grayson[/name_u], but today I’m feeling [name_u]Greyson[/name_u]. It looks more balanced to me
I prefer [name_u]Grayson[/name_u] very strongly.! [name_u]Gray[/name_u] just looks better as a nickname to me.
I prefer [name_u]Grayson[/name_u] as a full name, but [name_u]Grey[/name_u] as a stand-alone.
[name_u]Grayson[/name_u] for me.