Someone had a great post on here using Would You Rather questions. Thought it was a great idea that would be fun to expand on!
Everyone remember playing Would You Rather when you were younger? You ask someone to choose between two “cringe-worthy” options. So the first poster asks a Would You Rather featuring two naming options that most Berries usually shy away from such as…
Would You Rather
Name your child a name you love but have to use a “yooneek” spelling or a name that you think is just ok with a traditional spelling?
Name your child after your ex-boyfriend or your partner’s ex-girlfriend?
Name your child a name no one has ever heard of or one in the Top 10?
You get the idea! The next poster answers the poster and posts another of their own!
So I’ll start with the first example…
Would You Rather
Use a name you love with a “yooneek” spelling or a name that is just ok with a traditional spelling?
Would you rather name all your kids names that start with the same letter or names that end in the same sound/letters? Show examples of names you would use.
Would you rather give all your children unisex names or nickname names (eg. [name_m]Eli[/name_m], [name_f]Liv[/name_f], [name_u]Sam[/name_u], [name_f]Annie[/name_f])?