Group Would You Rather Game

Someone had a great post on here using Would You Rather questions. Thought it was a great idea that would be fun to expand on!

Everyone remember playing Would You Rather when you were younger? You ask someone to choose between two “cringe-worthy” options. So the first poster asks a Would You Rather featuring two naming options that most Berries usually shy away from such as…

Would You Rather

Name your child a name you love but have to use a “yooneek” spelling or a name that you think is just ok with a traditional spelling?
Name your child after your ex-boyfriend or your partner’s ex-girlfriend?
Name your child a name no one has ever heard of or one in the Top 10?

You get the idea! The next poster answers the poster and posts another of their own!

So I’ll start with the first example…

Would You Rather
Use a name you love with a “yooneek” spelling or a name that is just ok with a traditional spelling?

My ex (Their names aren’t too bad)

Would you have all boys or all girls?

All girls.

Would you rather name your kids all nature names or all color names? (give 3 examples of the one you choose)

All colors ([name]Scarlet[/name], [name]Hazel[/name], and [name]Violet[/name])

Would you rather have to use a name your best friend just used for their new baby or a name a celebrity you can’t stand just used for their baby?

Celebrity baby. (At least we won’t be at the same parties! lol)

Would you rather name your baby after a one night fling or your ex mother-in-law?

[name]One[/name] night fling.

Would you rather name all your kids names that start with the same letter or names that end in the same sound/letters? Show examples of names you would use.

All end in the same sound/letters (Aralyn, [name]Jameson[/name], [name]Caspian[/name])

Would you rather use a trendy name that’s quickly becoming passe, or an old-fashioned name that hasn’t yet come back into fashion?

Old-fashioned name

Would you rather name your twins with the same initials, or names that rhyme?

Same initials.

Would you rather have triplets or three seperate kids?

Three separate.

Would you rather give your child two middle names or mix two names to make one? (Ex, if you wanted to use two late family members)

Two middle names.

Would you rather have a three-year-old choose the name or a celebrity that will likely choose a celebrified name?

Celebrified Name

Give all your children names starting with the letter X or the letter Q?

Definitely X.

Would you rather give your child a name honouring your dad or a name honouring your mum?

[name_f]My[/name_f] mum.

Would you rather give all your children unisex names or nickname names (eg. [name_m]Eli[/name_m], [name_f]Liv[/name_f], [name_u]Sam[/name_u], [name_f]Annie[/name_f])?

All unisex.

Would you rather let your husband name all your children or your mother name them?

[name_f]My[/name_f] mother.

Would you rather name your child after a cartoon character or a character from a TV you hate?

Cartoon Character… Hello, Disney Princesses!

Would you rather name a baby after [name_m]Roman[/name_m] mythology or Greek mythology?

Greek Mythology

Would you rather name a baby after a popular celebrity you admire or a lesser known historical figure you admire?

Lesser known historical figure

Would you rather name your children all names that end in [name_u]Lynn[/name_u] or [name_u]Lee[/name_u]?

[name_u]Lynn[/name_u]. That’s my mom’s middle name.
Would you rather name your children after writers or artists?