Hailey for a boy?

I was at a lake in [name]Georgia[/name] this weekend and some of the guys were talking about a prestigious guy they know who’s head of an alumni association at a nearby state college-- and that his name was [name]Hailey[/name]. I don’t know how it was spelled but I assume [name]Haley[/name] or [name]Hailey[/name].

Anyways, I really like it for a guy. Of course I’m not thinking about the fact that he might be bullied or made fun of for having what is typically a girl’s name… but what do you think? [name]Do[/name] you know any guys with this name? Is it the first time you’re hearing it used that way? [name]Do[/name] you like it for a boy?

I think it’s fine. I prefer [name]Haley[/name] spelling on a boy.

I’m going to assume that it’s spelled [name]Haley[/name] and that it’s a family surname (probably his mother’s maiden name) being used up front. Personally, I would use [name]Hale[/name] for a boy instead of [name]Haley[/name], since [name]Hailey[/name] has become so popular for girls.

I prefer the spelling of [name]Haley[/name], and I think it’s handsome on a boy (that being said, [name]Haley[/name] is also my preferred spelling for a girl)

I would use the [name]Haley[/name] spelling on a boy. The “original” has become so underused that some people may not recognize the name at all. I find softer names on boys very charming. If you aren’t comfortable using [name]Haley[/name], try [name]Hale[/name] instead.

i would think [name]Halley[/name] as the spelling actually, like the astronomer and his comet. so it could have been a family name, or maybe his parents are into outer space? maybe he was born while the comet was going over? i could see people giving it to a guy for those reasons.

to me it’s become too feminine, and most guys would have to deal with the initial assumption that they’re a girl. but it’s not totally “boy named [name]Sue[/name]”, i guess because you can make specific associations. it’ll draw questions.

Like [name]Haley[/name] [name]Joel[/name] [name]Osment[/name]?

I don’t think I like [name]Haley[/name] enough on a boy to use it myself but I would be surprised in a positive way to see it on someone else. I like it more the more I think about it.

[name]Ah[/name] [name]Haley[/name] [name]Joel[/name] [name]Osment[/name]! I guess I never thought of that because he doesn’t solely go by [name]Haley[/name].

I agree with you, and prefer the [name]Halley[/name] spelling, although some might read it as [name]Hal[/name]-ee. Oh well. It doesn’t matter. My husband doesn’t like it anyway. I just thought I’d start the conversation.

Thanks all!