Haleigh or Hayleigh?

I know some people think it’s the “ugleigh” spelling ;-;
But I personally love & think these names are perfectly normal because the first and second HAYLEYS I met were Haleigh and Hayleigh which is not very common tho :kissing:
So please excuse me :*>

  • Haleigh
  • Hayleigh
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Which one do you prefer for a baby girl? (It’s not “finalized” yet so don’t worry)

although i’m not a fan in general - i’d say hayleigh because first look at haleigh, i would say it hal-ee like the name hallie

[name_f]My[/name_f] personal favorite spellings of this name are [name_f]Hailey[/name_f], [name_f]Hayley[/name_f], and [name_f]Haylee[/name_f], but [name_f]Hayleigh[/name_f] I can deal with. [name_f]Haleigh[/name_f] I would probably say, like @nameblossom said, like [name_f]Hallie[/name_f].

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