
So, my favorite time of the year is right around the corner and I was just curious about what everyone’s kiddies (or you Mommies and Daddies) were going to be for Halloween this year?

Also, anyone have any advice about those cold Halloweens and thing, barely any material costumes? [name]Mackenzie[/name] is either going to be a clown or a princess. The clown will be easy enough to manage with layers, but how can we still do a cute little princess costume without having to wear bulky warm clothes underneath?

You might want to incorporate some cute little leg warmers into her princess costume and a sweater with wings over the back. Not sure exactly how cold it gets there but we usually just drop to the 50’s and 60’s arounding Halloween in Central [name]California[/name].

I don’t have any little ones just yet, but I’ll be on a cruise for Halloween and dressing up as a super hero that I completely made up.

[name]Jacob[/name] wants to be a pirate, and [name]Alanna[/name] wants to be a “piggy”… odd, huh? I’m not sure what I’ll have [name]Sariah[/name] be, yet.

[name]Phoebe[/name] is going to be [name]Angelina[/name] Ballerina. Was going to have one made on Etsy, but now I think I’m going to just do it myself. We have the opposite problem-hot Halloweens and bulky, furry costumes!

What a great topic!”
We live in Connecticut, so we have the same problem with temperature. It’s easier with boys because they tend to wear more clothes anyway. Girls costumes, on the other hand, show a lot more skin. I make the costumes for my kids, though, so I always make sure to include lots of layers. Leggings are a must, as are long sleeves. ”

Anyway, this year we have a menagerie of sorts. My 5 year old, [name]William[/name], is being a crocodile. [name]Lucas[/name], 3 1/2, is going to be lizard. [name]Caroline[/name], 27 months, is going to be a peacock, and [name]Amelia[/name], 13 months, will be a caterpillar. I’m due with number 5 in early november, and hopefully he or she won’t come early, because we don’t have a costume! Or a name… ” ”

[name]Hi[/name], I don’t have any kids yet, but I am dressing up as “Spiderella.” Honestly, I picked it because it was the only one that kind of made sense for a woman my size that was not either a whoopie cushion (I did that two years ago) or a clown (I still might do that one for [name]Mardi[/name] Gras, but I work at [name]Domino[/name]'s, and I figured the spider costume would be less bulky, and thus less hot, while standing with my back to an oven all night long, but it’s kind of velvety, so hopefully, I won’t freeze if it happens to be cold this Halloween).

As for weather problems, here in southern [name]Louisiana[/name], we have kind of an odd climate issue: we can never really predict what the weather is going to be like from one Halloween to the next–or even from one [name]DAY[/name] to the next. I bought that whoopie cushion costume on the 29th of [name]October[/name], and thought I would be okay because it was cold and rainy that day. By the 31st, however, it was 80 degrees outside. [name]Even[/name] though we’re allowed to wear our costumes to work, I have already decided I am packing my uniform this year…just in case.

My husband and myself (and our little baby to be!) are going to go to Disneyland for the Halloween party this year :slight_smile: Hubby and myself are total disney/cartoon buffs and it works out well because we got the tickets before we knew i was pregnant and disneyland only has about 6 or 7 rides that pregnant women cannot ride. So im really excited for that :slight_smile: