Heheheh I see I have successfully pulled you in again! with my clever! titling!
Anywho, I’ve had this character for a while, though he’s nowhere near finished and has changed about a million times since I first came up with him. He was originally a superhero but then I made him grow up some and now he’s gonna be a private detective. He has the dope powers of being able to not die. Well, he dies but then he comes back to life (think Capt. [name_m]Jack[/name_m] Harkness from [name_m]Doctor[/name_m] Who!). (side note: i always introduce his powers like that, i always say he cant die and then say he does die why do i do that?)
Uh, he’s got a pretty tragic backstory, his parents are dead and he had to live with his aunt for a while. Tenetatively! his cousins hate him but I also don’t want him to have such a super shitty background because like, his dad is supposed to be how he got/figured out his powers so thats already real bad. He’s super sweet though! Super reckless, super gay and thats about as far on his personality I got >.> with all the changes and stuff, thats what I kept.
Bottomline, what ya’ll are here for is his name! His name has haunted me. He was originally [name_m]Benjamin[/name_m] “[name_m]Ben[/name_m]” [name_u]Sinclair[/name_u] but I didn’t like his last name, it didn’t feel right. So I tried out a whole lot of junk. [name_u]Hunter[/name_u], [name_u]Harper[/name_u], Rodgers, [name_u]Barrett[/name_u]. Then I thought, maybe it was his first name!! so I tried out [name_m]Adam[/name_m] but it just didn’t feel right either.
Currently, he’s named [name_u]Phoenix[/name_u] “[name_u]Nick[/name_u]” [name_m]Ryder[/name_m] (which I’m loving the [name_u]Phoenix[/name_u] part because 1) his powers!!! and 2) he’s got a little brother and I can name him [name_m]Griffin[/name_m] and my skin is clear). But I’m still not 100% sold on his last name, at least not without a little help. So, what’s your opinion? Which name goes best, and do you have any other suggestions???
Thank you if you made it through that mess and double thank you if you reply