
I’ve just rediscovered [name_f]Hannelore[/name_f], and I’d forgotten just how much I love it. The nameberry summary however is scathing, and now I’m wondering if it sounds ugly to other people. Also, is it terribly dated to native [name_m]German[/name_m] speakers?

I know Nameberry is proud of the fact that they share such strong opinions, but honestly many of the comments they make are so rude, and that goes beyond the issue of whether or not they should share their opinions. Saying “I don’t think we’ll ever be friends” about someone you know is not the same as saying “oh geez no she’s such a loser and I hate her!!!” Perhaps not the strongest analogy, but it’s my opinion.
Rant over.

I like [name_f]Hannelore[/name_f]! It gives off a strong, legendary vibe. I don’t think it sounds ugly at all. I have no clue if it’s dated in Germany, though.

I think it’s a lovely name with a great meaning and agree that the nameberry summary does not do it justice at all!

There was a girl a few grades ahead of me in school named [name_f]Hannelore[/name_f], and I always thought it was pretty!

I try not to read too much into the Nameberry summaries, a lot of times they are majority opinion-based.

I love [name_f]Hannelore[/name_f]! I’ve heard it’s technically pronounced [name_f]Hannah[/name_f]-lor-eh, but I like it pronounced to rhyme with [name_f]Eleanor[/name_f].

I’m not a big fan though it does sound prettier in English than [name_m]German[/name_m] to me.
And yes, it is terribly dated in Germany.

I think [name_f]Hannelore[/name_f] is gorgeous! It’s a cool update on [name_f]Hannah[/name_f], and sounds a bit more whimsical than [name_f]Eleanor[/name_f].

Nameberry has a lot of unnecessarily snarky descriptions on beautiful names. [name_m]Don[/name_m]'t let it get to you. [name_f]Hannelore[/name_f] is marvelous!

I always adore [name_f]Hannelore[/name_f]! It’s elegant and strong. I’d love to meet a [name_f]Hannelore[/name_f] ! :slight_smile:

I love it! A friend of a friend is named this (different spelling I believe) and it just sounds so light, yet strong. Badass, I’d even say. I think it can definitely be pulled off! :slight_smile:

I really don’t like it, I’m sorry! [name_f]Hannelore[/name_f] looks quite strange to me and it’s always sounded masculine to me, quite honestly. I’m not sure why, since it is such a delicate sounding name. Though, if the technical pronunciation is hannah-lor-a, as a PP mentioned, I would like it more than I do.

I’m [name_m]German[/name_m], and it is very dated tbh. It’s pretty, but I doubt that over here many people use it nowadays, even with “grandma names” coming back. The only people I’ve met called [name_f]Hannelore[/name_f] have been over 70. But if you love it, go for it.