That’s right, boys and girls, the Nameberry Birthday Bus is in town to celebrate Elsabea’s special day! Woo-hoo!!! In honor of Elsabea’s birth, there’s cake (decorated with [name]Elmo[/name]) and ice cream for everyone!
Elsabea, for your birthday, I’m giving you an Easy Bake Oven, a pink Slinky, a vintage stuffed E.T. doll, season 4 of [name]Laverne[/name] and [name]Shirley[/name] on DVD, a jar of Nutella, Tickle Me [name]Elmo[/name], a potato chip shaped like [name]Oprah[/name], 8 blueberry jellybeans, a limited-edition Where the [name]Wild[/name] Things Are finger puppet set, 4 chocolate covered cherries, a [name]Dora[/name] the [name]Explorer[/name] costume, a Karaoke machine, and 6 magic beans.
It’s time for your Birthday song:
[name]Happy[/name] Birthday to you, [name]Happy[/name] Birthday to you. [name]Happy[/name] Birthday, Dear Elsabea, [name]Happy[/name] Birthday to you…And many more!!!
Now, make a wish and blow out your candle:
i <—Elsabea’s candle
Have a wonderful day (and [name]Happy[/name] Holidays)!