[name]Happy[/name] Birthday (Nov. 10th) , Rachelmarie! For your birthday, I present you with your very own zebra herd! (I figure, who doesn’t want their own zebra herd?)
Ooo, lookie! There’s a rare rainbow baby zebra in your herd. You must now name her! People posting birthday greetings to you here are also welcome to offer name suggestions.
[name]Happy[/name] Birthday to you, [name]Happy[/name] Birthday to you, [name]Happy[/name] Birthday, dear [name]Rachel[/name], [name]Happy[/name] Birthday to you! And many more!!!
Here’s your candle: i
Make a wish!
I hope you have a special day and a wonderful year!
Thanks you guys You totally made my day.
My zebra shall be named [name]Artemis[/name], just because I am in that Greek name mood.
[name]Jill[/name] - thank you for my song and candle.
charliehotsox - thanks for the compliment about my name, I’m sure my mom will appreciate that too. Haha
everyone else - thanks for wishing me a happy birthday, you guys made me smile.