Harper vs. Harlow

See the results of this poll: Harper or Harlow

Respondents: 37 (This poll is closed)

  • Harper : 16 (43%)
  • Harlow: 21 (57%)

I theory, I like [name]Harlow[/name] much more but it sounds way too much like Harlot for me to like.

I like both names, and [name]Felix[/name] is great!

Perhaps [name]Harlow[/name] might be a better choice in that it is slightly more feminine.

[name]Harper[/name] and [name]Felix[/name] could easily be brothers, then again [name]Harper[/name] is widely accepted as a girls name too - ah I’m so torn. I don’t envy your position at the moment it’s a tough choice.

I voted for [name]Harper[/name], but honestly if I saw either [name]Felix[/name] and [name]Harper[/name] or [name]Felix[/name] and [name]Harlow[/name] on paper I’d think they were both boys.

[name]Felix[/name] and [name]Harper[/name] sound divine together!

Exactly what I thought. [name]Both[/name] sound lovely with [name]Felix[/name], though. Good luck!

I like both but I definitely prefer [name]Harper[/name]! I think [name]Felix[/name] and [name]Harper[/name] are very cute, and both have a vintage, literary feel to me that works very well together.

Good luck!

while I know [name]Harlow[/name] shares a lot of letters with “harlot” I would think something like [name]Charlotte[/name] sounds even closer. Kids will make up teasing names for everyone…I was [name]Amanda[/name] Hug n Kiss, my sis was [name]Sandy[/name] Beaches, husband Cryin [name]Brian[/name] :slight_smile: Plus, isnt harlot a pretty old school term? Like I could see my mom saying it, but not a kid on a playground.

My issue with [name]Harper[/name] is that it is becoming pretty popular, but I do love both names. DH and I are going back and forth!!

I think next to a baby [name]Felix[/name], [name]Harlow[/name] is a nice contrast of soft sound. It seems to go together well. Good luck!

I voted [name]Harlow[/name]… I love [name]Harper[/name] too…I think the W at the end goes well with the X in [name]Felix[/name]…
I woulndt think [name]Harper[/name] and [name]Felix[/name] were both boys… what ever you choose will be ok…they are both nice

LoL. Exactly what I was thinking too. I remember there is a quote by a Hollywood great in reference to [name]Jean[/name] [name]Harlow[/name] and something to do with a silent “T”. I love [name]Harper[/name].

I pretty much associate [name]Harper[/name] with girls more than boys, haven’t met any boy Harpers. Like [name]Harper[/name] [name]Lee[/name], the female author of To Kill a Mockingbird. As for [name]Harlow[/name], I don’t think most little ones on a playground have the word “harlot” in their vocabulary (I love the name [name]Charlotte[/name] & would definitely still use it). Only thing that irks me about [name]Harlow[/name] is that everyone gives [name]Nicole[/name] [name]Richie[/name] credit for it when actors [name]Thomas[/name] [name]Jane[/name] & [name]Patricia[/name] Arquette used it years before for their daughter.


I love [name]Harlow[/name] and [name]Felix[/name]!

I think I find [name]Harlow[/name] slightly more feminine sounding than [name]Harper[/name], which I love for a little boy but I must admit I do see the appeal on a girl (and that wasn’t easy to say, I don’t like boys names on girls at all!!).

If I saw [name]Harper[/name] and [name]Felix[/name] I’d think both boys, but [name]Felix[/name] and [name]Harlow[/name] I’d assume [name]Felix[/name] was the only boy.