People 18 and older and the pets have the names of the actors and actresses, and the children have the names of the characters! Have fun!
DH (58): Daniel, Jacob, Darren, Michael, Hero / Ralph, Christian, Eddie, Tom, Rupert
DW (56): Hebe, Maggie, Fiona, Emma, Charlotte / Meredith, Sarah, Reid, Bonnie, Jaime
DD/DS (24): Lyn, Evanna, Emily, Georgina, Eleanor / Ariella, Paradise, Fiona, Elizabeth, Dawn & Joey, Richard, Michael, Jude, Toby / Robbie, Martin, Ryan, Robert, Knox
DS/DS/DS (17): Harry, James, Sirius, Severus, Tobias / Hyperion, Vincent, Ronald, Bilius, Jack & Rubeus, Hagrid, Hugo, Arthur, Fred / Marcus, Fredrick, Gideon, William, Charles & Draco, Tom, Marvalo, Lucius, Scorpius / Albus, Percival, Wulfric, Brian, Aberforth
DAD/DAD (15): Lily, Jean, Hermione, Pomona, Poppy / Alicia, Rosmerta, Sybill, Olympe, Padma & Astoria, Eileen, Audrey, Millicent, Hannah / Cho, Ginevra, Ginny, Molly, Lucretia
DAD(6): Luna, Ariana, Fleur, Angelina, Penelope / Narcissa, Kendra, Minerva, Lavender, Katie, Amelia
Dog (4): Ignatius, Septimus, Fabien, James, Andrew / Christian, James, Chris, Sean, Toby
Dog (3): Oliver, Martyn, John, Jamie, Terence / Alan, Alfred, Derek, Jim, Hero
Dog (3): Richard, Michael, Toby, Simon, Jamie / Matthew, Lewis, John, Adrian, Ian
Cat (2): David, Devon, Ray, Robbie, Verne / Julian, Hugh, Edward, Randell, Mitchell
Dog (3): Wilhelmina, Julie, Bonnie, Leilah, Rochelle / Michelle, Heather, Gemma, Helen
Bird (3): Leslie, Geraldine, Maggie, Tiana, Zoe / Nina, Margery, Jean, Veronica, Myrtle