Hated Name Idea

Hello! This is my first time posting here so hopefully I’m doing this right. I came up with the name Aesthesia about nine years ago and really liked it. Since then, I’ve asked many people and everyone has hated it. The idea was that it’s both the opposite of anesthesia, so consciousness, and also related to aesthetics, so beauty. [name_f]Beauty[/name_f] and consciousness. I thought it was really cool and really wanted to use it for a middle name, but it’s been shot down so many times that now I’m starting to dislike it myself. (And no, I wouldn’t use [name_u]Anne[/name_u] as a first name with it. I hear that allll the time.) Any opinions on it? Should it be scrapped and, if so, are there names with similar meanings or sounds that are more palatable? Thanks so much!

I guess Aesthesia has it’s charm. I have not quite acquired it’s charm yet because I cannot help but think of anesthesia or 2020 tiktok aesthetics. Aesthesia is close to [name_f]Anastasia[/name_f] as well so I suppose I see how it sounds a lot like a name. However, Aesthesia needs to be paired with a name, whether it’s put as a middle name and thus only said with the first name, or it is paired with another first name. For example [name_f]Selah[/name_f] Aesthesia (fn and mn) or Aesthesia-Selah (or vice-versa). Aesthesia has a nice sound which, if paired with a suitable name, compliments it really nicely and makes it sound more sophisticated.

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@Blue_Velvet Yes, I would definitely use it as a middle name because it would be difficult to shorten for a nickname. I was thinking Carol would go well with it (and it’s also a family name) or possibly Charlotte or Eliza. I know an Anastasiia so that’s my only gripe against that name, I have a fear that someone will think I’m naming the baby after them and think it’s weird lol.

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[name_u]Welcome[/name_u] to NB!

If the Ace-thee-sea-uh pronunciation is correct, it’s lovely! Probably more usable as a middle name but definitely doable.

I would pair with a shorter first name or something that complements it. Perhaps:

[name_f]Opal[/name_f] Aesthesia
[name_f]Ivette[/name_f] Aesthesia
[name_u]Blair[/name_u] Aesthesia
[name_u]Nori[/name_u] Aesthesia
[name_u]Haven[/name_u] Aesthesia
[name_f]Olwen[/name_f] Aesthesia
[name_u]Zoe[/name_u] Aesthesia

Hopefully this helps :slight_smile:

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@cms1512 I actually pronounce as ess-thee-zhee-ah! I definitely agree with pairing it with a short name, it balances it out!

[name_u]Welcome[/name_u] to Nameberry!

After reading your description, I understand the appeal of Aesthesia. Unfortunately, I work in healthcare and I can only see anesthesia. Anesthesia is not a bad thing, but personally I wouldn’t want my name to be confused with a medical term or procedure.
I have a friend named [name_f]Anastasia[/name_f] and despite her name being internationally well-known, she has confessed to me that sometimes she had to deal with the “anesthesia” comments. Of course all names can be associated with something or someone. And of course bad intentioned people can always find an unpleasant think to say if they want to. However, in this case, I can’t encourage you to use Aesthesia. I’m so sorry!
Have you considered [name_f]Anthea[/name_f], [name_f]Althea[/name_f] or [name_u]Aster[/name_u]?

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@Estrela Thank you for your feedback, I appreciate the medical perspective lol. I almost like [name_f]Althea[/name_f], especially because it’s a song name, but I can’t quite say I like it? [name_u]Aster[/name_u] and [name_f]Astrid[/name_f] are off my list completely, I just don’t don’t like the sound of them. Part of the reason I’m unsure about Aesthesia is because it has the susurrus issue. I mention [name_f]Astrid[/name_f] because it also means beauty and was a thought that crossed my mind.

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You’ve probably searched this before, but here are some options that also mean “beautiful” or “beauty” besides the well known Belle/Bella and Linda.

Anusha - “beautiful morning”
Anwen - “very beautiful”
Aoife - “beauty”
Belphoebe - “beautiful and bright, radiant / pure”
Bellerose - “beautiful rose”
Calanthe - “beautiful flower”
Caliadne - “beautiful and holy”
Calliope - “beautiful voice”
Callisto or Callista - “most beautiful”
Claribel - “bright and beautiful”
Eirian - “bright; beautiful”
Ingrid - “Ing is beautiful”
Nefertiti - “the beautiful one has come”
Rosabel or Rosabella - “beautiful rose”
Sigrid - “victory; beautiful and beloved”
Tegan - “darling; beautiful”

Alethea also came to my mind.

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[name_u]Carol[/name_u] Aesthesia and [name_f]Eliza[/name_f] Aesthesia are lovely. Have you possibly consider removing the ‘e’ so it would be Asthesia and would look less like anesthesia (not that it is necessarily a problem)? Honestly, both spelling are nice, especially when paired with one of the lovely first names you had.

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I wonder if spelling it phonetically, based on your pronunciation, would help? Esthezia looks more like it’s related to [name_f]Esther[/name_f] than to anaesthesia.

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I admit when I first glanced at it, I thought ‘anaesthesia’ which is what gave me pause, but it does have an arty, distinctive feel, something sort of ‘dark-academic-character’ about it. I think it could work as a middle, with the right first name?

A few alternatives:


[name_f]Aisling[/name_f] / [name_f]Aislinn[/name_f] / [name_f]Ashlyn[/name_f] (vision / dream)
[name_f]Ruya[/name_f] (vision / sight)
[name_f]Aina[/name_f] (sight / always)
[name_f]Minerva[/name_f] (intellect / of the mind)
[name_f]Saga[/name_f] (seeing-one / story )


@Estrela I have looked into names that mean beauty, although I did not look that deeply! The ones I saw were a little basic like Bella and Linda. This list inspired a deeper search which I will discuss in a moment.

@Blue_Velvet @Chococat I agree changing the spelling could help. I like the way Asthesia looks (mythical looking) and I do like Esther. I misspelled the way I pronounce it a bit. It’s more like ess-thee-zhah, three syllables. Maybe if it were written as three syllables it would look less clunky?

@Greyblue I really like your list at the end! I also searched for names this similar meanings and found Aislin, the only problem is my brother has an ex named Ashlyn lol. But it’s nearly perfect! It also reminds me of Aslan and I like that lol. I also really like the two syllable names (Ruya, Aina and Saga). They just look like good middle names to me. My mother liked to give inspired middle names (Maylea, Aline, Rima, Maria) and they have a similar quality that I like. I like vowel sounds, I think?

I seemed to have a similar idea of looking into names that have to do with vision. Consciousness and beauty both have to do with perception! I also looked into names that are related to dreams. I realized I like double meanings a lot and they add a bit of complexity that makes a name seem more personal. They’re listed in order of how much I like them, but I can’t say any really hit the nail on the head.
Cecelia/Celia (blind, heaven) my husband doesn’t hate this one! lol
Amethyst (sober, gemstone) I once wanted to name my daughter Amethyst and nickname her Amy :slight_smile:
Reverie (daydream, musical term, theory)
Daisy/Deisy (day’s eye, flower, one who achieves dreams)
Liliana (pure, flower)
Aria (musical term, air, lioness) I like the way this one looks
Penelope (dreaming, illusion)
Iris (eye, flower)
Asteria (starry, prophetic dreams) I like the way this one looks, too
Theia (prophecy, sight) Like this in theory
Narcisse (sleep, narcissism…)
Chaden/Chaten (intelligence, perceptive, consciousness, life) boy’s name?
Hugo (bright mind) boy’s name
Aislin (vision, dream) pronounced Ashlyn…


I would scrap it, unless you are writing a book. I think it could work on a character, but not on a real person.

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