Have You Ever Heard This Name Before?

A friend just told me that someone she knows just posted on Facebook that she is naming her daughter-to-be Madaket. Has anyone seen this name before? I tried googling it and got nothing.

It almost sounds Ethiopian.

Hmm well the parents are Irish…siblings are [name]Kailynn[/name] (not sure if that’s the actual spelling) and [name]Declan[/name].

It’s a village in Nantucket, Mass. So perhaps the location has some significance to them?

I’ve never heard it. I know someone that just had a Malachite (also female). Hadn’t heard that as a name before, either…

Thanks…I think that’s actually a good possibility! By the way, I love that your location says Slytherin Common Room! Haha

[name]Glad[/name] I could help figure a possibility out. :slight_smile:
And ahaha, thanks! I decided to be creative with it.

It’s listed on babycenter.com as a girl’s name:

The thought crossed my mind while in Nantucket that it might be a good name. Madaket is a beautiful spot on the island. Naturally, she could be called [name]Maddie[/name] for short.

Oh is it?
If so, then it makes even more sense. :slight_smile: [name]Maddie[/name] is a good nickname for Madaket.

Nope. Probably from a different culture/language?

It almost sounds like [name]Maddie[/name] [name]Kate[/name] pronounced with some type of accent.

[name]How[/name] is it pronounced? I’ve been saying it “mad-uh-kit” and I was wondering if I had it right.