Have you ever helped someone else name a child? Directly/Indirectly

A couple days ago an old friend of mine (who I haven’t seen in a few years but we’re friends on facebook) had a baby boy. His name is [name]Walenty[/name] [name]Jack[/name]…

Apparently she and her boyfriend were looking for a name that had the nickname “[name]Wally[/name]” to honor her uncle [name]Walter[/name]. They had [name]Walter[/name] and [name]Wallace[/name] as contenders, but weren’t 100% sure.

Sometimes I post links to my blog entries (a blog about names) and she discovered [name]Walenty[/name] through that and knew it was the right one for them.

I know I did not directly help them, or go out of my way to do so but its pretty cool that she found my blog helpful.

Has this ever happened to you before? Directly/Indirectly? I would love to hear your stories. ;]

I have helped lots! But my strangest name-helping story is that I once had a dream that a woman I was working with at the time had twin boys. I couldn’t remember one’s name but the other was [name]Zen[/name]. We laughed about it then. She was not currently planning any more kids but a few years later they did have a baby boy and they named him [name]Josiah[/name] [name]Zen[/name]. She said the name had just stuck with her for some reason ever since I shared my random dream!

Oh yeahh!! Last year i gave my friend the name rohan as she wasnt so sure on rowan so i said use a h instead as my oh has a friend who spells it that way and she loved it!! and its his first name x

My mum’s cousin’s third child is due in a few months, and when I saw them recently, we did discuss names, and I did give them a few suggestions for siblings to their two boys. Whether or not they take my advice, I don’t know, but I’ve never really helped name someone else’s baby as my friends aren’t anywhere near that stage in their life yet, and other relatives are either past the childbearing stage or far too young for it.

On my original blog (not the one in my signature, which I have not written in in about a year…eeek), I would have people message me and tell me they found their child’s name on my blog, though I’m not sure if that really counts seeing as they just read a post online and liked one of the names. Personal friends- no, I don’t really know a lot of people having babies.

Well, besides my own tiny human, does nameberry count? I’m not sure but I think I’ve helped at least 5 berries come up with their final combinations. In real life, though-- no.

PS In Australia do you think [name]Walenty[/name] could be misheard as wallaby? :slight_smile:

You certainly helped me, [name]Blade[/name]!

I wouldn’t say I helped them, but my goddaughter’s name is a long time love of mine; her mum and I went to boarding school together and this name was always scribbled in my notebooks. When she got pregnant, she asked me if she could use it. So I guess I influenced her…?

My friend kind of did. She had independent study with the Librarian Sophomore year who was pregnant with a little girl. They were talking about there favorite names one day and she told her her favorite girl name was [name]Gabrielle[/name]. Well, in [name]May[/name] of that year the Librarian had her baby and named her [name]Gabrielle[/name].

No, I’ve never helped someone pick a name [name]IRL[/name]. Most of my friends and family have quite trendy taste in names, so most of my suggestions go over their heads. As a point of reference, my Godson is called [name]Aidan[/name] (thankfully spelled correctly) and I have a niece named Makaylah.

I really like [name]Walenty[/name]! Very good job!

I helped my bf choose a mn for her little girl. She was definately going to use [name]Krista[/name] as a fn but couldn’t decide on a mn. Her grandfather’s name was [name]Leon[/name], so I suggested [name]Leigh[/name] to honor him and she was thrilled with it. So, [name]Krista[/name] [name]Leigh[/name] was her name :smiley:

I’ve been on another name forum for about 5 years and I’ve helped a few random people and also a few regulars who are good friends of mine, but as far as in real life…I don’t think so. At least to my knowledge. I helped my cousin [name]Cassie[/name] come up with [name]Abel[/name] [name]Phoenix[/name] which she absolutely adores and I really hope she uses it if she ever has a boy.

When I was 5 I suggested [name]Cherish[/name] for my baby sister, my parents picked [name]Mariah[/name] [name]Cherish[/name].

Fair point, I’m not sure if they have come across that issue yet but its possible.

In short, no :wink:

I suggested the name my friend ended up going with and the name my cousin went with, so I guess… :stuck_out_tongue:

[name]Both[/name] my sons have also inspired other parents and I’ve gotten a few private messages (on another forum) from mums wanting to use their names (not sure why… not like I own them) :stuck_out_tongue:

I helped name my BFFs little brother and sister. When we were 10 her mom was pregnant with her sister and I suggested [name]Sydney[/name] which they used. A few years later I suggested [name]Ethan[/name] for her brother which they also used.

Yes, I did! I think it’s probably my favorite thing about names. :slight_smile:

[name]One[/name] of my mom’s coworkers was pregnant, and looking at names, and she thought she was a little bit stuck, so my mom mentioned that I really liked names and I came up with a top 10 for her. I was a teenager, not into names like I am at all now, but I made the list, and one of them was a name she had been considering already, so she took it as a sign. :slight_smile:

And my parents were stuck on trying to find a name for my little sister, so they asked me what they should name her. I had been learning about [name]Isaac[/name] and [name]Rebekah[/name] for church that week, so I instantly said, “[name]Rebecca[/name]!” That had been their forerunner all along (actually, their only option–my dad’s super name picky!), so they took it as a sign that it was right, and they told me I pretty much named [name]Becca[/name], never let on that it really hadn’t been my idea. Up until I was in college, I had thought that they had no names and I just pulled [name]Rebecca[/name] out of thin air and they fell instantly in love with it, lol. I thought I was a naming rockstar. So, maybe not so much. But still, I think I helped them feel more confident about it, and it’s a fun story to tell.

I did. She had an idea of what she wanted but not any specific names. I came up with a list of names that fit her criteria and she picked from that list. The baby was named [name]Elizabeth[/name] [name]Kate[/name].

Sort of. My top boy name for my oldest daughter is now my nephew’s name. My sister really liked it and I told her she should use it. I’m glad I did because I only had girls and I wouldn’t have had a chance to use it anyway.

I suggested a list of names to my friend who was having a little girl, one of the names was [name]Avalon[/name]. Next thing, she gave birth to a little girl called [name]Rosalie[/name] [name]Avalon[/name]! And she’s a beaut! Apparently she already loved the name and I reminded her about it, so it felt pretty good to help! :slight_smile: