Having a full on panic attack

I visit this site all the time and love reading all the helpful posts, but I always told myself that I’d figure my daughter’s name out for myself and never thought I’d actually post a message. But I am DESPERATE! I’m due in [name]March[/name] and I am no closer to choosing a name than I was last [name]July[/name]. What am I going to do??? My worst nightmare is just settling on a name that I feel so-so about and regretting it forever. Sigh…

Some background: I always thought I would name my daughter [name]Izabella[/name]. Always loved that name and never considered anything else. But… now that I’m actually pregnant I see the name is way too popular! Oh my goodness, I know 3 people who just named their daughters [name]Isabel[/name] or [name]Isabella[/name]. And that’s just close friends and acquaintances. I always vowed the one thing I wouldn’t do is give my daughter a common name. (like all the [name]Ashley[/name], [name]Jessica[/name], and [name]Jennifer[/name]'s of my day) I was always so thankful I didn’t have to be called [name]Ashley[/name] S or [name]Ashley[/name] B.

I’m really looking for advice. Please help if you have a moment. I don’t even know where to start.


[name]Welcome[/name] to Nameberry! I’m sorry about your predicament. Here are a few name ideas that are either similar to [name]Isabella[/name], or have the same meaning. [name]Hope[/name] this helps!


[name]Hope[/name] you find something you love!

  • [name]Athena[/name]

Names that have a similar sound but are not as popular, and just some random suggestions!

Elizavetta (Slavic version of [name]Elizabeth[/name])
Ruxandra (Romania variation of [name]Roxane[/name], etc)

That is a problem :confused: If I was you I probably would use it anyway, however since the popularity is a concern here are a few suggestions:

[name]Hope[/name] this helps! Goodluck!

I like [name]Isabel[/name] very much, myself, but there are other -bel/-bella names that get much less use.


I- names I like

Names with z’s in them like [name]Izabella[/name].

Eirlys (means snowdrop)
Rosemarie (nn. Romy)

The possibilities are endless. There is bound to be a name to suit your daughter! Best of luck.

Congratulations, and welcome to Nameberry. :slight_smile: [name]Hope[/name] we can help you out!

You may like:
[name]Mazarine[/name] (current favorite of mine, pronounced MAZZ-uh-rin or mazz-uh-REEN, nickname could be “Mazzy”)

I also second the above suggestions of:

Good luck!

I love [name]Isabella[/name] too and crosses it off my list once it skyrocketed in use. I replaced it with [name]Isadora[/name] and [name]Anabel[/name] and never looked back!

If popularity is really bothering you - and it sounds like it is! - then perhaps you should find a new name. Maybe you can look at it as a GOOD thing that you’ve had several friends name their kids [name]Isabel[/name]/[name]Isabella[/name] before you, making you aware of the fact of just how wildly popular it is. (And it really, really is!) Think of it this way: if you had a little [name]Izabella[/name], how would you feel if you met another girl - or several girls - with the same name? Good, bad, neutral? Or you might want to rack your brain to think of any instance where you heard a girl’s name and thought, “Wow, I love that…” OR now might be a good time to break out the family tree and see if you have any gem of a name hiding amid the branches…

If you like the “z” in [name]Izabella[/name], you might like [name]Esme[/name]. (Usually pronounced Ez-may.) Or if you really like [name]Ella[/name], there’s always [name]Gabriella[/name], which is popular but not as popular as [name]Isabella[/name]. ([name]Gabrielle[/name], which I think is even lovelier, is a bit less common.)

Good luck! You can do it.

Also: the birthstone for [name]March[/name] is aquamarine, so if you wanted to honor that you could go with [name]Marina[/name]. Or if she’s early, [name]Violet[/name] for February.

Curious - why [name]Izabella[/name] rather than [name]Isabella[/name]?

[name]Hope[/name] you’ll like my names.

[name]Maria[/name] and [name]Katherine[/name] and [name]Sylvia[/name] are the most perfect names to be considered.
As you want something new, I think [name]Maria[/name] is the name you’ll need to consider for your daughter.

Moreover, there is no need to get any stress of mind, otherwise you may lead yourself to Panic Attacks.
So, you’ll need to try these names.

[name]How[/name] about [name]Isadora[/name]?

Here are a few that (I feel) seem to match in style or feel:
