The thing is that I really like the name [name_u]Noah[/name_u], (I’m ftm trans by the way, which means that I was born biological female but I feel like a male inside).
I still have my feminine name on everything but I really want to change it, possibly to [name_u]Noah[/name_u]. But the thing is that my best friend is named [name_f]Moa[/name_f] (Swedish name, since I live in [name_u]Sweden[/name_u]) its pronounce the same way as [name_u]Noah[/name_u] just with a M instead of an N in the beginning.
Is it weird that my possibly new name rhymes with my best friends name? [name_f]Do[/name_f] you think its too close to hers and that I should not use [name_u]Noah[/name_u] and find another name?
I think it’s a handsome and solid name. [name_u]Noah[/name_u] [name_u]Elliott[/name_u] [name_m]Jackson[/name_m] is a great combo too. I think it’s nice that it rhymes with your best friend’s name because it’s like your honoring her.
I don’t think it matters that it rhymes. In the long run, you both will have your own lives, travel in your own circles, have your own jobs and families, and it won’t make a difference that your names rhyme with each other. If anything, it will give you a special connection 
I would ask your friend [name_f]Moa[/name_f] how she feels about it. I personally believe it would be a little bit disrespectful to choose a name so similar to hers if she wasn’t keen on the idea. However, if she’s okay with it then I see no reason not to use it. [name_u]Noah[/name_u] is a nice name 
Thanks for the replies, I’ll talk to her about it and if she’s okay with it I might go with the name [name_u]Noah[/name_u] otherwise if she doesn’t like that it’s too similar to hers I’ll just have to find another name I like. 
If she says she’s okay with it then go for it, but only if you’re sure you won’t always associate [name_u]Noah[/name_u] with her. For example, let’s say you end up having a big fight and you stop being friends. Would you be okay being called [name_u]Noah[/name_u] or would it remind you too much of her?
I don’t see much of an issue with it, since you are talking about a friend and not, say, a sister or something like that.
I see the dilemma, but I think it’s not a big deal so long as she feels okay with it and it won’t impact your friendship. You’re giving yourself a lifelong name after all. And assuming you guys are both at school, it isn’t likely she’ll be as big a part of your life forever as she is now.
I know this isn’t what you asked but I might as well say - my first thought was how many ftm people I know with the name [name_u]Noah[/name_u] (it’s only a few, but that seems like a lot in terms of percentage!). I don’t know if that bothers you. It’s a great name that’s pretty widely popular anyway, but it’s just something to be aware of.
Regardless of what you choose, I wish you the best and I hope your transition is going as smoothly as possible
Lycka til!
It’s not uncommon nowadays to meet lots of people with rhyming names, with girl names ending in all of your -ia, -lee, -ee, sounds, boy names [name_u]Aiden[/name_u], [name_u]Jayden[/name_u], and all the variants, just think of how often two people with similar names would meet and become friends! It’s not uncommon for that to happen if thinking about it that way helps you at all
I do think it is smart to check with them in this case since you would be changing to a similar name. That would be courteous to check!