Having twins means twice the trouble with names!

Hey everyone! I had a ton of stuff here, but I doubt you want to read all about my indecisiveness, so I deleted most of it.

I’m expecting twins (!). I found out a few days before [name]Christmas[/name], and since I am a total name nerd, my family and I (including our four children: [name]Leo[/name] [name]Sebastian[/name], [name]Henry[/name] [name]Edward[/name], [name]Jasper[/name] [name]Alaric[/name], and [name]Eliza[/name] [name]Vivienne[/name]) have been on an epic name hunt, in search of the perfect names.

We’ve narrowed the names down and crafted together some combinations. Pick your favorite of…

[name]Lucy[/name] [name]Matilda[/name] and [name]Nora[/name] [name]Penelope[/name]
[name]Lucy[/name] [name]Matilda[/name] and [name]Violet[/name] [name]Ophelia[/name]

[name]Lucy[/name] [name]Matilda[/name] and [name]Maxwell[/name] ([name]Max[/name]) [name]Hugo[/name]
[name]Nora[/name] [name]Penelope[/name] and [name]Charles[/name] ([name]Charlie[/name]) [name]Atticus[/name]
[name]Violet[/name] [name]Ophelia[/name] and [name]Charles[/name] ([name]Charlie[/name]) [name]Atticus[/name]

[name]Maxwell[/name] ([name]Max[/name]) [name]Hugo[/name] and [name]Charles[/name] ([name]Charlie[/name]) [name]Atticus[/name]

Which in the categories sounds best with [name]Leo[/name], [name]Henry[/name], [name]Jasper[/name], and [name]Eliza[/name] as their big siblings?

[name]Hi[/name] [name]Fiona[/name]!! I just love your kids’ names! :slight_smile: Here are some suggestions for you:

[name]Madeleine[/name] (middle name?)

[name]Timothy[/name] (MN?)

I hope this helps!

[name]Leo[/name], [name]Henry[/name], [name]Jasper[/name], [name]Eliza[/name] and:

Wow! Some of these names are really quite lovely; thank you so much! We liked…



Any more suggestions?

[name]Hi[/name], again! So, from those, here are some twin combos:

[name]Lucy[/name] & [name]Violet[/name]
[name]Violet[/name] & [name]Stella[/name]
[name]Ruby[/name] & [name]Violet[/name]
[name]Lucy[/name] & [name]Stella[/name]
[name]Violet[/name] & [name]Stella[/name]

[name]Dexter[/name] & [name]Hugo[/name]
Hmm I can’t think of one for [name]Oliver[/name]…were there any more names you liked? I picture [name]Oliver[/name] with a classical, well-known but not to popular, trendy, or hipster name. [name]Oliver[/name] & [name]Nathaniel[/name], [name]Oliver[/name] & [name]Charles[/name], [name]Oliver[/name] & [name]Isaac[/name], [name]Oliver[/name] & [name]Gabriel[/name], [name]Oliver[/name] & [name]Robert[/name], [name]Oliver[/name] and [name]William[/name]…

[name]Oliver[/name] & [name]Violet[/name]
[name]Oliver[/name] & [name]Lucy[/name]
[name]Dexter[/name] & [name]Ruby[/name]
[name]Dexter[/name] & [name]Violet[/name]
[name]Hugo[/name] & [name]Stella[/name]
[name]Hugo[/name] & [name]Violet[/name]

For more names, I’ll suggest:

[name]Abigail[/name] (MN?)
[name]Talia[/name] (NN?)
[name]Magnolia[/name] (MN?)
[name]Pearl[/name] (MN?)
[name]Daphne[/name] (MN?)

[name]Rhys[/name] (MN?)
[name]Sage[/name] (MN?)

First-Name, Middle Name Combos:
[name]Stella[/name] [name]Rosalie[/name]
[name]Stella[/name] [name]Frances[/name]
[name]Violet[/name] [name]Evangeline[/name]
[name]Violet[/name] [name]Magnolia[/name]
[name]Ruby[/name] [name]Genevieve[/name]
[name]Ruby[/name] [name]Georgiana[/name]
[name]Lucy[/name] [name]Isobel[/name]
[name]Lucy[/name] [name]Honor[/name]

[name]Dexter[/name] [name]Nathaniel[/name]
[name]Dexter[/name] [name]William[/name]
[name]Oliver[/name] [name]Nathaniel[/name]
[name]Oliver[/name] [name]Sage[/name]
[name]Hugo[/name] [name]Robert[/name]
[name]Hugo[/name] [name]Everett[/name]

Good luck and [name]Merry[/name] [name]Christmas[/name]! (Also–sorry this post is so long. I just couldn’t stop adding to it.) :slight_smile:

I had the kids look over the names, and they all really liked [name]Oliver[/name] and [name]Violet[/name]. So we’re definitely putting those on our list.

Two more things we’d like in a name: it’d be really nice if the name wasn’t too long (nothing over six letters) and didn’t have a nickname, just so they fit with our other kids’ names.

What do you guys think about [name]Audrey[/name]? My hubby just suggested it, but I think it’s a bit too close to [name]Henry[/name]'s name, though I really like the name. [name]Do[/name] you think that’s a problem?

Keep the names coming, por favor :slight_smile:

Oh, and I hope everyone had a wonderful [name]Christmas[/name]!

congratulations! I definitely agree that [name]Oliver[/name] and [name]Violet[/name] should be on your list. [name]Audrey[/name] is a lovely name too. Here are more suggestions, sorry if any of these names are repeats

I really think you should go with [name]Oliver[/name] and [name]Violet[/name]

[name]Oliver[/name] and…

(I think [name]Quinn[/name] would be nice as a middle name for [name]Oliver[/name].
[name]Oliver[/name] [name]Quinn[/name])

[name]Violet[/name] and…
[name]Flora[/name] (this might be crossing the line into too matchy twin names)

Your children have lovely names. [name]Henry[/name]'s is more straightforward, while [name]Jasper[/name]‘s is definitely the most interesting and unique of the mix, so I think your twins’ names should incorporate aspects of both. All of your children have traditional, vintage names with a quirky, unusual feel.

If you have a boy, I’d stick with a two-syllable name like [name]Leo[/name], [name]Henry[/name], and [name]Jasper[/name]:


With [name]Leo[/name], [name]Henry[/name], and [name]Jasper[/name], my picks would be: [name]Alden[/name], [name]Bennett[/name], [name]Emmett[/name], [name]Francis[/name], [name]Patrick[/name], and [name]Tristan[/name]

For a girl, you may want another three-syllable name, like [name]Eliza[/name]:


My picks would be: [name]Adelaide[/name], [name]Caroline[/name], [name]Genevieve[/name], [name]Margaret[/name], [name]Rosalind[/name], and [name]Victoria[/name]

Best of luck!

Oh, I love [name]Oliver[/name] and [name]Violet[/name]!! I think they would make a great combo if you have a boy and a girl. I also liked another poster;s suggestion of [name]Oliver[/name] [name]Quinn[/name]. :slight_smile: Otherwise:

For two boys I really like [name]Oliver[/name] and

For two girls, I think [name]Violet[/name] could work with any of the other three names you mentioned–[name]Lucy[/name], [name]Ruby[/name], and [name]Stella[/name]. You might also like:
[name]Violet[/name] & [name]Daphne[/name]
[name]Violet[/name] & [name]Jane[/name]
[name]Violet[/name] & [name]Clara[/name]
[name]Violet[/name] & [name]Isobel[/name]
[name]Violet[/name] & [name]Georgia[/name]
[name]Violet[/name] & [name]Genevieve[/name]
[name]Violet[/name] & [name]Alice[/name]
[name]Violet[/name] & [name]Lydia[/name]
[name]Violet[/name] & [name]Julia[/name]

For middle names:
[name]Oliver[/name] [name]Isaac[/name]
[name]Oliver[/name] [name]Nathaniel[/name]
[name]Oliver[/name] [name]Magnus[/name]
[name]Oliver[/name] [name]Moses[/name]
[name]Oliver[/name] [name]Jude[/name]
[name]Oliver[/name] [name]Adrian[/name]

[name]Violet[/name] [name]Emilia[/name]
[name]Violet[/name] [name]Magnolia[/name]
[name]Violet[/name] [name]Constanza[/name]
[name]Violet[/name] [name]Rubina[/name]
[name]Violet[/name] [name]Virginia[/name]
[name]Violet[/name] [name]Mirabel[/name]
[name]Violet[/name] [name]Louisa[/name]

[name]Do[/name] you like any of these? If not I’ll try again. :slight_smile:

About [name]Audrey[/name]–I think the “rey” ending is a bit close to [name]Henry[/name]. I think it would be better of as a middle name, but not for [name]Violet[/name]. What about:
[name]Alice[/name] [name]Audrey[/name]
[name]Claire[/name]/[name]Clara[/name] [name]Audrey[/name]
[name]Jane[/name] [name]Audrey[/name]
[name]Isobel[/name] [name]Audrey[/name]

Also, have you considered [name]Audra[/name] as a replacement? It’s less popular and isn’t a problem with [name]Henry[/name].
[name]Audra[/name] [name]Verity[/name]
[name]Audra[/name] [name]Eloise[/name]
[name]Audra[/name] [name]Miriam[/name]
[name]Audra[/name] [name]Daphne[/name]
[name]Audra[/name] [name]Scarlett[/name]
[name]Audra[/name] [name]Chloe[/name]

Good luck! :slight_smile:

Your children have lovely names! (I am biased, though - I have a [name]Jasper[/name] myself.)

[name]Oliver[/name], [name]Violet[/name] and [name]Audrey[/name] are all beautiful names, although it seems that the latter two are rising in popularity - they are still beautiful, though.

I really like the suggestion of [name]Audra[/name] to avoid it rhyming with [name]Henry[/name], too.

Names you may like (sorry for repeats) :
Girls :

Boys :

Good luck!

Ooh–these suggestions are amazing! Thanks so much for all of them!

We’ve paired potential middle names with them–what do you think?

[name]Violet[/name] [name]Georgina[/name]
[name]Isobel[/name]/[name]Isabel[/name] [name]Scarlett[/name] (Which one do you like better?)
[name]Lucy[/name] [name]Matilda[/name]
[name]Nora[/name] [name]Penelope[/name]
[name]Oliver[/name] [name]Jude[/name]
[name]Hugo[/name] [name]Atticus[/name]

We only found two boy names we’re really fond of, so some more suggestions would be quite appreciated. :slight_smile:

Also, could you put the names into pairs? We’re having trouble deciding which sound best together.

Again, thank you all so much for your time in helping us. We really, really, are in debt to you. :slight_smile:

[name]Violet[/name] [name]Georgina[/name] - I adore [name]Violet[/name], although I do think it is on the rise, popularity-wise.
[name]Isobel[/name]/[name]Isabel[/name] [name]Scarlett[/name] - I love [name]Isobel[/name]/[name]Isabel[/name]; I think the O spelling goes best with your other children’s names, personally, partly because it is slightly less popular.
[name]Lucy[/name] [name]Matilda[/name] - sweet, but will age well, with a beautiful middle name.
[name]Nora[/name] [name]Penelope[/name] - such a beautiful, vintage choice, and I think the flow of [name]Nora[/name] [name]Penelope[/name] is perfect.
[name]Oliver[/name] [name]Jude[/name] - I really like both of these names, and [name]Oliver[/name] seems unexpected and quirky now that [name]OlivIA[/name] is so popular, in my opinion. This one has good flow, too.
[name]Hugo[/name] [name]Atticus[/name] - two brilliant names; I’m really pleased that you like [name]Hugo[/name] :slight_smile:

I think for girl/girl twins, the obvious pairings are :
[name]Violet[/name] [name]Georgina[/name] and [name]Isobel[/name] [name]Scarlett[/name] (they seem to match in style, and both are reasonably popular)
[name]Lucy[/name] [name]Matilda[/name] and [name]Nora[/name] [name]Penelope[/name] (short, accessable vintage names, with beautiful feminine middles - personally, I think this pairing goes the best with your other children’s names).

For boy/boy twins, [name]Oliver[/name] [name]Jude[/name] and [name]Hugo[/name] [name]Atticus[/name] are quite nice together.

For boy/girl twins, I think that [name]Oliver[/name] [name]Jude[/name] could go with any of the girls’ options, although I’m not sure about it with [name]Isobel[/name] ([name]Oliver[/name] reminds me of the popular [name]Olivia[/name], and to me that would highlight the popularity of [name]Isobel[/name], too). I think [name]Hugo[/name] goes brilliantly with all of the girls’ options, too (although I think my favourite with it is [name]Lucy[/name]).

More boys’ names (sorry for repeats) :

Good luck!

[name]Hi[/name] again, [name]Fiona[/name]!

[name]Violet[/name] [name]Georgina[/name]
[name]Isobel[/name]/[name]Isabel[/name] [name]Scarlett[/name] (Which one do you like better?)
[name]Lucy[/name] [name]Matilda[/name]
[name]Nora[/name] [name]Penelope[/name]
[name]Oliver[/name] [name]Jude[/name]
[name]Hugo[/name] [name]Atticus[/name]

I may be one of the few, but I don’t like the BG pairing of [name]Oliver[/name] and [name]Violet[/name] because I think the names are too similar in their appearance. They contain nearly all the same letters!

For a boy, I would hands-down choose [name]Oliver[/name] [name]Jude[/name], because you already have a boy with an H name - [name]Henry[/name]. I’m not sure what you want to pair [name]Oliver[/name] with…

For a girl, my favorite is [name]Lucy[/name] [name]Matilda[/name]. It is whimsical and fun while still having a serious side. If [name]Lucy[/name] [name]Matilda[/name] has a twin sister, I’d pair her with [name]Isabel[/name] [name]Scarlett[/name].

I really like [name]Oliver[/name] [name]Jude[/name], [name]Nora[/name] [name]Penelope[/name] and [name]Lucy[/name] [name]Matilda[/name].
Here are some more ideas.

We’ve actually become head over heels with [name]Lucy[/name], but we’re worried that we can’t use it because two of our children’s names have a strong L sound in them ([name]Leo[/name] and [name]Eliza[/name]). Is it still okay to use [name]Lucy[/name]?

If we do chose [name]Lucy[/name], then [name]Nora[/name] will definitely be her sister. But we can’t use [name]Oliver[/name] then, since there would be way too many L sounds. And, after thinking, we’ve decided that [name]Hugo[/name] is too similar to [name]Henry[/name], so unfortunately, [name]Hugo[/name]'s out.

We also have begun liking [name]Emmett[/name], but we worry that if we use it people will ask us if we got the idea from the wretched twilight series. [name]Emmett[/name] also starts with an E, like [name]Eliza[/name]. Are these problems?

So, we still need more boy names, preferably ones that are vintage but still fun and not uncool. Any more suggestions?

Again, thank you so much for your help. :slight_smile:

I love [name]Lucy[/name], and definitely think it is still fine to use it with siblings [name]Leo[/name] and [name]Eliza[/name]. As [name]Eliza[/name] starts with an E, it doesn’t look as obviously L-heavy, and as you have other children it does not look theme-y. [name]Leo[/name], [name]Jasper[/name], [name]Henry[/name], [name]Eliza[/name], [name]Lucy[/name] - I think it looks and sounds just fine.

[name]Lucy[/name] and [name]Nora[/name] are a brilliant pair! [name]Oscar[/name] reminds me of [name]Oliver[/name] - what do you think about that? (Personally, I think [name]Hugo[/name] is fine with [name]Henry[/name] …)

I definitely don’t think having two of your children’s names beginning with the same letter would be a problem. If they all did it would be theme-y, but two out of six isn’t noticeable at all, in my opinion.

As for the Twilight connection, hopefully it will only take another couple of years for the mania to die down (once the films finish?), and I don’t think that too many people will make the connection (or too many people who are older than twenty, at least). Especially as your other children’s names have a similar vintage feel, I shouldn’t think that people would think you were inspired by the book. Oh! On second thoughts, you do already have a son named [name]Jasper[/name] … no-one has made Twilight comments about my [name]Jasper[/name], but two names from the books may be too much :frowning: [name]Everett[/name] reminds me of [name]Emmett[/name]?

Here are some more boys’ names (I think I’m probably repeating myself by now - I’m all named out) :

[name]Vera[/name] also sprung to mind as a girls’ name that you may like.

Good luck!


my favorite of your girl names:

[name]Violet[/name] [name]Georgina[/name]
[name]Nora[/name] [name]Penelope[/name]

[name]Oliver[/name] [name]Jude[/name]
[name]Hugo[/name] [name]Atticus[/name]

If you have a boy and a girl…I would chose [name]Nora[/name] and [name]Oliver[/name]…

We only found two boy names we’re really fond of, so some more suggestions would be quite appreciated. :slight_smile:

Also, could you put the names into pairs? We’re having trouble deciding which sound best together.

[name]EDIT[/name] II:

We’ve actually become head over heels with [name]Lucy[/name], but we’re worried that we can’t use it because two of our children’s names have a strong L sound in them ([name]Leo[/name] and [name]Eliza[/name]). Is it still okay to use [name]Lucy[/name]?

If we do chose [name]Lucy[/name], then [name]Nora[/name] will definitely be her sister. But we can’t use [name]Oliver[/name] then, since there would be way too many L sounds. And, after thinking, we’ve decided that [name]Hugo[/name] is too similar to [name]Henry[/name], so unfortunately, [name]Hugo[/name]'s out.

We also have begun liking [name]Emmett[/name], but we worry that if we use it people will ask us if we got the idea from the wretched twilight series. [name]Emmett[/name] also starts with an E, like [name]Eliza[/name]. Are these problems?

So, we still need more boy names, preferably ones that are vintage but still fun and not uncool. Any more suggestions?

Again, thank you so much for your help. :)[/quote]

Alright. We are definitely using [name]Lucy[/name]. The kids love it, we love it, and our parents love it. On the subject of [name]Lucy[/name], though, do you like the combo [name]Lucy[/name] [name]Matilda[/name]? Any other suggestions?

I don’t know why I haven’t thought of it before, but what do you guys think about [name]Charles[/name] [name]Atticus[/name], nickname [name]Charlie[/name]? Your opinion, and other middle names?

If we have two girls, they’ll be (as of now) [name]Lucy[/name] [name]Matilda[/name] and [name]Nora[/name] [name]Penelope[/name]. What do you think?

If we have a boy and a girl, we think we’ll use [name]Oliver[/name] [name]Hugo[/name]/[name]Charles[/name] [name]Atticus[/name] and [name]Nora[/name] [name]Penelope[/name]/[name]Lucy[/name] [name]Matilda[/name]. Which pair is best? And also, any suggestions on other middle names for [name]Oliver[/name]?

If we have two boys, they might be [name]Oliver[/name] [name]Hugo[/name] and [name]Charles[/name] [name]Atticus[/name]. Any other suggestions?

Thank you so much, you guys. Seriously. Without you, our twins might have been Thing One and Thing Two. So we are totally and completely in your debt.

I love [name]Lucy[/name]! And I think [name]Lucy[/name] [name]Matilda[/name] has brilliant flow. It’s perfect with [name]Nora[/name] [name]Penelope[/name], too - they go so well together.

I love [name]Charles[/name], and think it flows perfectly with [name]Atticus[/name]. In my opinion, [name]Charles[/name] is a male equivalent to [name]Elizabeth[/name] - the name which has everything. It has royal connections ([name]Charles[/name] I and II) and a certain romanticism due to the Roundheads and Cavaliers (a favourite book of mine when I was younger was The Children of the New [name]Forest[/name]). It is refined and formal without being pretentious, soft but clearly masculine, offers the friendly nn [name]Charlie[/name], and even if it ever shot to sudden popularity, it is such a classic name that it could never be deemed trendy.

[name]Charles[/name] would work well with other three-syllable vowel boys’ names, too. ([name]Charles[/name] [name]Marmaduke[/name] also sprung to mind, although it may be a little wacky for your taste!)

I think any combination of the boys’ and girls’ names would work well together, personally. I think, though, that I especially love [name]Charles[/name] with [name]Nora[/name] and [name]Oliver[/name] with [name]Lucy[/name].

[name]Oliver[/name] [name]Jude[/name] is nice, but [name]Oliver[/name] [name]Hugo[/name] is perfection, in my opinion.

[name]Oliver[/name] [name]Hugo[/name] and [name]Charles[/name] [name]Atticus[/name] are wonderful (I think I’m all out of suggestions).

Good luck!

[name]Oliver[/name] [name]Hugo[/name] and [name]Charles[/name] [name]Atticus[/name] are great! [name]Charles[/name] [name]Emmett[/name] would also be amazing! If they sound good with your last name, I’d use those for BB twins…

I [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Lucy[/name] [name]Matilda[/name]. If you aren’t sold on it, [name]Lucy[/name] [name]Genevieve[/name], [name]Lucy[/name] [name]Caroline[/name], [name]Lucy[/name] [name]Marisol[/name], [name]Lucy[/name] [name]Miranda[/name], or [name]Lucy[/name] [name]Victoria[/name] would be pretty combinations. [name]Nora[/name] [name]Penelope[/name] is nice, but I don’t think [name]Nora[/name] is near as pretty as [name]Lucy[/name], personally. [name]Lucy[/name] is fun and spunky, while still being classic, but [name]Nora[/name] feels plain and boring to me. I’d pair [name]Lucy[/name] with:

[name]Sarah[/name] NN [name]Sadie[/name]

My favorite combinations are [name]Lucy[/name] and [name]Alice[/name], [name]Lucy[/name] and [name]Charlotte[/name], and [name]Lucy[/name] and [name]Sarah[/name]…