I work as a dispatcher at a plumbing company in [name]Denver[/name] so I hear a lot of names all day while taking down jobs. The most creative names I get are from people in the Boulder area. Seems like [name]Denver[/name] is more traditional and I get a lot of what you’d expect to hear.
This morning I was taking a job and the tennant contact was [name]Athena[/name]. I was tickled pink to hear the name. I’ve always been a big fan of the Greek gods and goddesses. For some reason tho the name never appeared on my list of girls names. For whatever reason I just never thought of it but now that I’ve heard it on a real person I can’t help but wonder why. I think it’s a lovely name with historical value and it has such a lovely twinkling, silvery sound without giving up the overall strength in the name. Anyway those my opinions. What do you think? Would you use [name]Athena[/name]?
I went to grade school with an [name]Athena[/name], so it’s never seemed too ‘out there’ to me. I think it’s a beautiful name, but I probably wouldn’t use it personally, it’s just not my style.
I think [name]Athena[/name] is a beautiful name. I wouldn’t say it’s too out there. I’m not sure if I’d use it personally because there is a business near me named [name]Athena[/name]. I’d be afraid that is what everyone would think of.
I knew an [name]Athena[/name] years ago. She was very beautiful & statuesque. The name never seemed out-there to me because I connect it to her. I agree that it has a silvery, twinkly sound.
I’m not really a fan, sorry. I think [name]Athena[/name]'s refreshing to hear, but I have always felt it was such a pretentious name, and the Greek mythology thing doesn’t do much for me. I knew a girl in college named Athens, and I always thought that was amazing. And since they’re so similar, I think I’ll always prefer Athens to [name]Athena[/name]…
I’ve kind of liked the idea of Athens as a name in a guilty pleasure sort of way, but I never thought it was that wearable. I’m happy to hear that you knew one and that it worked.
I’ve met a few women named [name]Athena[/name], all of Greek descent. I like it. I think that I might also slightly prefer Athens personally, but I think that [name]Athena[/name] is absolutely lovely and more easily wearable than Athens.