[name]August[/name] [name]Holden[/name] (if it is a boy)
I wanted something different, somthing I have not really heard before. I have not asked any of my family members because we are waiting until I am 14 weeks to tell everyone i am even pregnant. I have had my heart set on this name for about a year now, and my husband says that he really likes it also. I just need some honest advice about if to others this seems like a unique/neat name.
Great name! [name]August[/name] is so sweet (love the nn [name]Gus[/name]) and [name]Holden[/name] is very nice. “Catcher in the [name]Rye[/name]” is one of my favorite books, so it’s a nice literary reference. I’m sure your son will love his name
[name]August[/name] has got to be the handsomest name there is! Perfect! And I think [name]Holden[/name] is great in the middle! [name]Lucky[/name] little boy!