We are having a boy in 2 weeks. We have a duaghter, [name]Dani[/name], and a son, [name]Levi[/name].
My fave name is [name]Isaac[/name], but I also like [name]Samuel[/name]/[name]Sam[/name], [name]Noah[/name], [name]Zachary[/name] and [name]Cole[/name]. My husband also likes [name]Cole[/name], but none of the other names.
Other names he does like are a bit more trendy than my tastes ([name]Cooper[/name] and [name]Brody[/name]-no way).
I’m thinking we’ll probably use the name [name]Cole[/name] since we both can agree on it, although neither of us LOVES it. We both also like [name]Tanner[/name], but if we ever have another girl I am considering [name]Teagan[/name] for a girl and I don’t like the sibset [name]Teagan[/name] and [name]Tanner[/name] together. Too matchy.
Any suggestions for us?
Something traditional but not too bibilical (since my husband isn’t a fan) nor too trendy.
I like [name]Cole[/name] and [name]Tanner[/name]! Who knows, if you do get a daughter your taste in names might change a lot by then. I wouldn’t let a possible future daughter’s name turn me off from a name I like. I also like the combo [name]Zachary[/name] [name]Cole[/name].