Help! Baby boy no name due in a few days

Hi there
We are due our baby boy in a few days and are completely stuck on names. Please help us! We have some awkward criteria…

  • must have some sort of Mediterranean/ Spanish/ greek / Italian origin or sound (to match surname and family roots) but be easy to read/pronounce in uk

  • can’t be common (luca, Leo, Rafael- lovely names but we want something a little more rare)

  • can’t end in an ‘o’ (again- due to surname)

Names we like but can’t have: Elias, Ezra, Nico, Rocco, Xander

I know it’s a bit of a challenge, sorry :frowning: but we can’t agree on anything and are running out of time. We would like to go to hospital with at least a few names in the mix! Thank you:) x



Something that came to mind immediately is Nicholas (which is Greek) with the nickname Nico. It fixes the issue of your surname ending in -o, and while Nicholas is common, Nico isn’t, so I think it could work!

Some other ideas, though (mostly Greek, but with some Italian/Spanish mixed in!):
Topher (From Christopher, which is Greek? You could also do Kit from Christopher, though I don’t remember how popular Kit is in the UK)
Felix (Latin, which maybe counts since Latin originated in the Mediterranean?)
Matthias / Matias

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What about [name_m]Xavier[/name_m] instead of [name_m]Xander[/name_m]?

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I think most of these fit your brief…Italian boy names are hard with no -o ending!


best of luck!



i love the suggestion of [name_u]Atlas[/name_u] for you!! has a greek origin but it’s also a spanish word
it’s trendy but i think it’s still so uncommon

also love the suggestion of [name_m]Felix[/name_m], but it’s pretty popular if you’re concerned about that

some more ideas:
[name_m]Remus[/name_m] nn [name_u]Remi[/name_u] / [name_u]Remy[/name_u]


Congratulations! What about…


Keep us posted on the name you choose for your little boy!

We have an Italian last name ending in a long -o, so I totally feel your pain with finding the right fit! [name_f]My[/name_f] husband is also of deep Greek and Italian heritage.

What about [name_m]Roman[/name_m]? That’s what first came to mind. Second was [name_m]Maximilian[/name_m]. :heart_eyes:


Thank you so much for all your suggestions they’re great. We can’t use a lot of them due to my husbands family being huge and selfishly taking the more original Italian and Spanish ones up. how rude :wink: But very grateful for all your thoughts.

The ones i ike best so far are
[name_m]Roman[/name_m] (I love this especially) [name_u]Rome[/name_u] for short
[name_u]Ezri[/name_u] (we both said we liked this before but i wasn’t sure it sounded a bit feminine? Thoughts?)

Now to run them past the other half x


Might not be the sort of thing that you’re after, but as far as names with Greek roots, you could go for something like [name_u]Pax[/name_u], [name_m]Ajax[/name_m], [name_m]Calix[/name_m], etc. I think those ‘x’ names are trendy enough that they’ll feel familiar to people in the UK, but there shouldn’t be a hundred of them in your son’s class.

I second ( or third) [name_u]Orion[/name_u] !!

(Sorry for repeats)

I found…

[name_f]Hope[/name_f] this helps!

You’ve all helped massively thank you, will keep you posted on what we decide :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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What about [name_m]Ayrton[/name_m]? I myself associate it with Portuguese because of the formula 1 driver, [name_m]Ayrton[/name_m] [name_u]Senna[/name_u] (he was Brazilian), but it is also easily pronounced in [name_f]English[/name_f]!