Help: Baby Brother to Eden due in 9 days...

[name]Hi[/name] everyone,

We are cutting it fine really here… my due date is 9 days away and still no name for the little boy we are expecting!

Our daughter is called [name]Eden[/name], so we are ideally looking for something similarly unusual or at least outside the usual Top 50s - though not brave enough for anything too off the wall.

The names we currently like, but somehow havent struck us as the ‘right one’ are

[name]Gilbert[/name] ([name]Gilby[/name])
[name]Jed[/name] / [name]Ned[/name]
[name]Gabrial[/name] / [name]Gabe[/name]

Would love to hear your suggestions as the short list just aint getting any shorter and my partner is threatening to pick one out of a hat!!



[name]Eden[/name] is common where I live. In top 50 I think. [name]How[/name] common/unusual does it have to be? I really like [name]Gilbert[/name].

My 2 cents:

[name]Gilbert[/name]-Really like this and would be on-board for a [name]Gilbert[/name] revival! Strongly dislike [name]Gilby[/name], though. Would prefer full [name]Gilbert[/name] or [name]Gill[/name].
[name]Jed[/name]/[name]Ned[/name]-[name]Jed[/name] id a bit country-bumpkin for me. I like [name]Jud/name better. [name]Ned[/name] is awesome but only as a nn for [name]Edward[/name].
[name]George[/name]- [name]LOVE[/name], but not sure it’s right with [name]Eden[/name].
[name]Beau[/name]-Cute, and works with [name]Eden[/name].
[name]Monty[/name]-Not digging this one. I hate names where you really have to enunciate the ‘T’ sound. Feels silly and forced to me.
[name]Milo[/name]-I’m kind of getting tired of this one.
[name]Otto[/name]-Like it!
[name]Barnaby[/name]-Kind of cartoon villain-ish.
[name]Elliott[/name]-Too cutesy with [name]Eden[/name].
[name]Theo[/name]-Meh again.
[name]Gabrial[/name]-Would prefer [name]Gabriel[/name]. Like this one!
Top picks: [name]Beau[/name], [name]Edward[/name] nn [name]Ned[/name], [name]Gabriel[/name] nn [name]Gabe[/name]. Honorable Mention: [name]Otto[/name] and [name]Gilbert[/name]. Like them but not sure how well they go with [name]Eden[/name].

? Really helpful.

Anyways, I love [name]Beau[/name] and [name]Elliot[/name]. If you don’t mind two E names you could go with [name]Elliot[/name]. Some other E names are [name]Emmet[/name], [name]Everett[/name], [name]Emerson[/name], [name]Eli[/name], or [name]Elijah[/name]. [name]Beau[/name] is cute yet handsome. I think I would go with [name]Beau[/name]. Good luck :slight_smile:

[name]Milo[/name] is perfect!!

The first thing that popped into my head when I saw your daughter’s name [name]Eden[/name] was the Bible’s “Garden of [name]Eden[/name]”. The Bible is a great source of names.

Bible Place Names

Boys Names
[name]Abraham[/name] nn [name]Abram[/name]

Good luck with your new baby!

Actually bedhead I was trying to ascertain what type of name she was after. You say you aren’t aggressive but you are following me around this site making nasty comments about everything I say. This is the third one! You are a bully.

I find it hard to believe [name]Eden[/name] is in the top 50 but I do realize it is growing in popularity… either way, beautiful choice, I love that name!

As for a brother I like:

[name]Montgomery[/name], nn [name]Monte[/name]/[name]Monty[/name]
[name]Owen[/name] (though may sound too close to [name]Eden[/name]?)
[name]Oscar[/name], nn [name]Oz[/name]

[name]Hope[/name] that helps!

Blimey…where do you live?! I’ve just checked US stats and its its still outside the top 200 but doesnt chart at all in the UK where we are.

So for us we’re looking for something unusual and fits with [name]Eden[/name]. Thanks for your help.

; -)

[name]How[/name] about [name]Theodore[/name], nn could be [name]Ted[/name] or [name]Theo[/name]? [name]Myles[/name], similar to [name]Milo[/name], [name]Giles[/name] and [name]Monty[/name]?

[name]Gilbert[/name] ([name]Gilby[/name]) - love this, but if you are in the UK I get the sense that this is increasingly popular? Not BIG, but perhaps not as unusual as [name]Eden[/name]
[name]Jed[/name] / [name]Ned[/name] - [name]Jed[/name] I am not wild about, but I adore [name]Ned[/name].
[name]George[/name] - I [name]LOVE[/name] [name]George[/name]. It’s a great classic, old world name that for some reason hasn’t been radically reclaimed by the masses like [name]James[/name] and [name]Charles[/name]. I’d use it except we have a Jaw sound in our (ridiculously overlong hyphenated) surname.
[name]Beau[/name] - Hmm. Really? [name]Just[/name] too soap opera for me (You know how there’s a [name]Beau[/name] [name]Brady[/name] in Days of our Lives - or there was fifteen years ago - well, there used to be an actor called [name]Beau[/name] [name]Brady[/name] on Home and Away. Yeah, on behalf of Australia, sorry about Home and Away.)
[name]Monty[/name] - So cute. If I had become a mother at 16 my baby boy would have been Soul [name]Montgomery[/name]. yes well. probably good I waited till I was 28 before procreating.
[name]Milo[/name] - lovely. It feels like its on the rise, but that might just be a namenerd thing and not a real life thing.
[name]Otto[/name] - One of my absolute favourites.
[name]Giles[/name] - Funny, my daughter mention this the other day. I like it! It’s got the [name]Miles[/name] factor but is a lot more unusual.
[name]Barnaby[/name] - GORGEOUS! Wow, you really came up with many of my favourites.
[name]Elliot[/name] - Mm, I see why people like this name, it really is a great soft-sounding but still manly boy’s name. But it doesn’t quite kick it for me.
[name]Theo[/name] - cute, sweet, simple. But not as unusual as [name]Eden[/name]
[name]Gabrial[/name] / [name]Gabe[/name] - lovely, but I would spell it [name]Gabriel[/name].

My favourites are [name]George[/name], [name]Monty[/name], [name]Otto[/name] and [name]Barnaby[/name].

You might also like:
[name]Rupert[/name] (It’s the [name]Giles[/name] thing that made me think of it, will be lost on you if you are not in any way a [name]Buffy[/name] fan)
[name]Mungo[/name] (oh all right, almost no one likes this but me)

Thanks so much for your thoughts…really appreciate you taking the time. My short list is now much shorter…just need to see if he looks like a [name]George[/name], [name]Milo[/name] or [name]Otto[/name]!!


First of all, thank for leading me towards the supername [name]Eden[/name]! I love it! Its me 2nd favoriete girl name. I

I think [name]Finn[/name] goes well with [name]Eden[/name]
From your list i only like [name]Elliot[/name] and [name]Gabriel[/name] (not [name]Gabrial[/name])

Im gonna suggest some of my fave names.
[name]Eden[/name] and [name]Finn[/name]
[name]Eden[/name] and [name]Cole[/name]
[name]Eden[/name] and [name]Wyatt[/name]
[name]Eden[/name] and [name]Emmett[/name]
[name]Eden[/name] and [name]Beckett[/name]
[name]Eden[/name] and [name]Quinn[/name]

I’m not “following you”, get over your self. I’m sorry you thought ‘really helpful’ was a “nasty comment”. I just thought it was complete unhelpful, random, and unnecessary to tell her [name]Eden[/name] is a popular name when she’s asking for help on boy names.

[name]Milo[/name] is wonderful - love it with [name]Eden[/name]. :slight_smile:

Good luck!

I love [name]Milo[/name].
More ideas-

I also posted this in reply on the other thread, but to reiterate, I like [name]Rowan[/name]. I like that it’s also nature inspired and that it and [name]Eden[/name] have the -n sound. [name]Just[/name] a thought. No idea if that works with the last name. I like [name]Milo[/name] and [name]Otto[/name] as well.

[name]Eden[/name] and [name]Otto[/name] sound so cute together!

I love the name [name]Otto[/name] is one of my absolute favorites. I also love the name [name]Eden[/name] and I think they are lovely together. [name]Otto[/name] and [name]Eden[/name] definitely gets my vote.

[name]Otto[/name] definitely would work, I don’t think I saw that before. The other name that would work is a name I would like for a future son: [name]Arlo[/name]. I actually like [name]Charles[/name] nickname [name]Arlo[/name] (just so he has the option later in life for a more ‘formal’ name) though [name]Arlo[/name] would work on its own too!