HELP...boys names to go with last name CASTRO

My husband and I don’t agree very well when it comes to names. [name]Baby[/name] due in 9 weeks…
My list:


However am worried about first and last names both ending in “O”.

[name]Jax[/name]: It feels very trendy to me, and I can’t imagine a grown man named [name]Jax[/name]. (I can see it as a nickname for [name]Jackson[/name], though.) However, because [name]Jackson[/name]/[name]Jax[/name] and Castro have the same short A sound, it really stands out to me when I say the name out loud.

Modern names you may like:

[name]Graham[/name] (slightly different vowel sound, so I can see it with Castro)
[name]Grant[/name] (ditto)
[name]Harrison[/name] (then again, it sounds like a US president paired with the Cuban Castro)
[name]Pierce[/name] (although this sounds like someone trying to “pierce” Castro to me)

[name]Leo[/name]: I love this name so much, but I’d personally stay away from first names ending in O.

Names like [name]Leo[/name]:

[name]Thedore[/name] (NN [name]Teddy[/name], not [name]Theo[/name])

[name]Nico[/name]: It’s the O issue for me…

[name]Alexander[/name] (nn [name]Xander[/name], which could give you an X like in [name]Jax[/name])
[name]Elias[/name] (the S names are a bit S heavy with Castro to me, though)
[name]Matteo[/name]: Ditto, but I love this name!

[name]Matteo[/name]: The O issue… :frowning:


[name]Dominic[/name]: I think it’s a great name, but because it ends in a hard C and Castro begins with one, I don’t think it flows very well with your last name.


Best wishes to you! :slight_smile:

[quote=“cpribo”]My husband and I don’t agree very well when it comes to names. [name]Baby[/name] due in 9 weeks…
My list:

[name]Jax[/name] - I agree with [name]Jill[/name] on this one.
[name]Leo[/name] - For me, first names that end in “o” don’t go with Castro
[name]Nico[/name] - ditto
[name]Matteo[/name] - ditto
[name]Dominic[/name] - the “c” at the end runs into the “C” at the beginning of Castro.

I’m so sorry that I don’t like any of the names on your list with Castro. But at least now I see what kind of names you love. Here are some similar one that go well with Castro:

[name]Adrian[/name] Castro - love it
[name]Daniel[/name] Castro
[name]Elliott[/name] Castro
[name]Gabriel[/name] Castro nn [name]Gabe[/name]
[name]Julian[/name] Castro nn [name]Jules[/name]
[name]Miles[/name] Castro
[name]Rafael[/name] Castro nn [name]Rafe[/name]
[name]Raymond[/name] or [name]Ramon[/name] Castro nn [name]Remy[/name]
[name]Simon[/name] Castro

I haven’t read other posters’ responses, so I apologise if I repeat their suggestions or advice.

[name]Jax[/name] - the a sound for me repeats too much with the [name]Ca[/name] in Castro.
[name]Leo[/name], [name]Nico[/name], [name]Matteo[/name] - I love all these names, but they really don’t go with your surname
[name]Dominic[/name] - I like this one the best with Castro, although [name]Dominic[/name] ends in a C and Castro begins with one. But from your list it gets my vote.

Some more suggestions:

Good luck!

Also thought of
[name]Gideon[/name] Castro
[name]Finnian[/name] Castro nn [name]Finn[/name]
[name]Jonah[/name] Castro - I really love it!
[name]Reuben[/name] Castro

[name]Dominic[/name]: hot rebel
[name]Leo[/name]: Handsome romantic