Hey I’m needing some help with names for a story I’m writing. So far the names I have are:
[name]Katherine[/name] [name]Houghton[/name] ([name]Kate[/name])
[name]Max[/name] (unsure whether to have his name as [name]Maximus[/name] or [name]Maximilian[/name])
I’m needing a middle name for [name]Max[/name] and a name for their brother, I’m wanting a name that goes well with [name]Katherine[/name] and that can be shortened like [name]Kate[/name] and [name]Max[/name]. [name]Kate[/name] is the oldest, born in 1978/79, her nameless brother born early 80s (around 82/83) and [name]Max[/name] being the youngest, “surprise” baby born early 90s.
I was an 80’s baby (late 1981), and half the boys in my class seemed to be named [name]Jason[/name], [name]Michael[/name], [name]Joshua[/name], or [name]Matthew[/name] for years.
[name]Michael[/name], [name]Christopher[/name], [name]Matthew[/name], [name]Jason[/name], [name]David[/name], [name]James[/name], [name]Joshua[/name], [name]John[/name], [name]Robert[/name], [name]Daniel[/name], [name]Joseph[/name], [name]Justin[/name], [name]Ryan[/name], [name]Brian[/name], [name]William[/name], [name]Jonathan[/name], [name]Andrew[/name], [name]Brandon[/name], [name]Adam[/name], [name]Nicholas[/name], [name]Eric[/name], [name]Anthony[/name], [name]Ian[/name], [name]Jeremiah[/name], [name]Brent[/name], [name]Wesley[/name] and [name]Victor[/name]- were name on the top 100 names list around that time
[name]Just[/name] so you know, [name]Katharine[/name] Hepburn’s full name was [name]Katharine[/name] [name]Houghton[/name] Hepburn ([name]Houghton[/name] was the maiden name of her mother, whose first name was also [name]Katharine[/name])