Help deciding on a middle name please?

Hello, I am a long time browser of these forums, please forgive me that my first post is to ask for help. My name is [name]Alexandra[/name] but I go by [name]Alex[/name], I am 38 years old and my parents did not give me a middle name at birth.

I have always wanted to have a middle name, most people I tell don’t get it but I am hoping that as this is a forum of name enthusiasts, you will understand. :slight_smile: I’m finally in a position to do this now but am completely stuck between two names. I am currently driving my husband and daughter up the wall with this so I am hoping you lovely people can help.

Basically, the choice is between [name]Alexandra[/name] [name]Kate[/name] and [name]Alexandra[/name] [name]Jane[/name]. I love both equally but for different reasons. I have thought about taking both and becoming [name]Alexandra[/name] [name]Jane[/name] [name]Kate[/name] but maybe this is a little too much? Anyway, I think I would prefer to choose just one. [name]Jane[/name] has the virtue of being a family name for me, it was my grandmother’s name and also the female version of [name]John[/name] which is my father’s name. I also love [name]Jane[/name]'s historical and literary associations. However, [name]Jane[/name] also has somewhat of a negative association for me in that [name]Jane[/name] is the name of a person who, let’s just say, made me miserable in the past…I think I can overcome this but this is a risk I would be taking. This person happens to share my surname so in saying my full name, I would be saying her name if that makes sense.

[name]Kate[/name] is just a name that I have always loved, there are no family connections though. I do love [name]Shakespeare[/name]'s [name]Kate[/name] and I just love the simple, classic nature of [name]Kate[/name]. It’s pretty and has no negative associations for me but may freak my family out a little as it’s just a random name that I love! My mother has expressed a preference for me to choose a family name. However, as an adult I am thinking that the choice is mine ultimately.

Hmm, well, I have written a fair amount there, I will look forward to any responses. Once again, please excuse me for just diving in with a question, I hope this is acceptable, thanks,


I like both. [name]Alexandra[/name] [name]Jane[/name] is beautiful and [name]Alexandra[/name] [name]Catherine[/name] is equally so. Out of the two I prefer [name]Jane[/name] I think. Maybe you could use as [name]Jane[/name] variant if it makes you think of another girl. [name]How[/name] about [name]Jean[/name] or [name]Janet[/name]?

I love both in the middle spot, however, I would stay away from any names that may have a negative association. If you love [name]Kate[/name], go for it! It’s a modern classic in its own right.

I would say [name]Jane[/name] because it it a full name… [name]Kate[/name] is not…

Hey, thanks to those of you that responded. :slight_smile:

[name]Both[/name] sound equally pretty. I think you can overcome the negative link to [name]Jane[/name]. In fact, I think you may have already, in that you are even considering the name. However, since you are 38 and choosing your own name, [name]Kate[/name] has a kind of special freedom that says I’m grown and/or fresh start!


I think [name]Kate[/name] highlights [name]Alexandra[/name]'s strength and bite. [name]Alexandra[/name] [name]Kate[/name] is fabulous. I hear what Bluesparrow is saying about [name]Kate[/name] not being a full name… and yes it’s not as old a name as [name]Jane[/name], but it made the switchover into full name territory back in the Middle Ages.

Thanks so much to all who have posted, I know it’s not as exciting as choosing lovely baby names, helping a middle aged woman out with her middle name choices! But thank you. :slight_smile:

I have to say that I am leaning heavily towards [name]Kate[/name]. As notcinnamon very perceptively pointed out naming yourself as an adult is very different from naming a newborn and yes, [name]Kate[/name] speaks more to me of freedom.

Thank you emmabobemma for being so decisive, I needed that. :slight_smile: And I agree with you, although [name]Kate[/name] may have started life as a pet name for [name]Catherine[/name]/[name]Katherine[/name], I think it has long since become a name in its own right and there are many current examples to illustrate this. I also think my rather long first name would benefit from a shorter middle name.

Anyway, thank you all once again.