We are having a tough time deciding on a name for baby #2 to be born this fall. We have settled on some good girl choices, but having a tough time with boys this time around. Big sister is [name]Scarlett[/name], so looking for a similar feel for boy’s name. Not too popular, but not really unusual either. Some of my favorites are:
[name]Jackson[/name]- might be too popular for us though
[name]Mason[/name]- same as [name]Jackson[/name]
[name]Holden[/name]- I really like, DH is not sold
DH’s favs:
[name]Walker[/name]- not my favorite, but of his list I think it is
We just haven’t found one name yet that we both say- oh yeah, this is it. I feel like we’re getting closer, but would [name]LOVE[/name] some other suggestions. Thanks for the help!!
From your list, I like: [name]Holden[/name] and [name]Lincoln[/name] for [name]Scarlett[/name]'s sibling
From your DH list I like: [name]Porter[/name] and [name]Preston[/name] the best.
“[name]Walker[/name], [name]Texas[/name] [name]Ranger[/name]”?! No [name]Walker[/name], please!!! Anyone who lived through the early 90’s will associate this name with that ridiculous [name]Chuck[/name] [name]Norris[/name] show.
As for [name]Holden[/name], he will never be able to escape the Catcher in the [name]Rye[/name] reference. Believe me, it will still be required reading when he gets to high school.
One way around this might be to ditch both the -er and the -on endings and go for something different altogether. I have a feeling that the -on/en/an ending (which I’ll admit sounds cool to me too) is going to sound very dated in 20 years.
This probably won’t help you at all, but I like [name]Holden[/name] and [name]Walker[/name] (my h loves it, too) best, especially with [name]Scarlett[/name]. I also think [name]Davis[/name] would sound good.