See the results of this poll: Help in Choosing Patriotic Name
Respondents: 91 (This poll is closed)
- Maverick James : 22 (24%)
- Franklin James : 67 (74%)
- Gratis James: 2 (2%)
Respondents: 91 (This poll is closed)
I voted for [name]Maverick[/name], but I did want to add that I think “gratis” only means free in the sense of “requiring no payment” and NOT in the sense of “freedom.” I think that would be “libertas.”
[name]Franklin[/name] by a mile!
I guess I should add that Gratis is my husband’s Great Grandfather’s middle name.
[name]Maverick[/name] and Gratis are very interesting, but I voted for [name]Franklin[/name] [name]James[/name]. [name]Franklin[/name] [name]James[/name] sounds very handsome!
[name]Franklin[/name] gets my vote as well.
I actually admire the old tradition of naming a boy after a founder, like [name]Benjamin[/name] [name]Franklin[/name] or [name]Thomas[/name] [name]Jefferson[/name]. Kind of how I’d seriously consider calling a boy [name]Marshall[/name] [name]Dillon[/name]
I love [name]Maverick[/name]. it has the really great nn options of Mav, [name]Mack[/name], [name]Eric[/name], and [name]Rick[/name].
Second choice [name]Franklin[/name].
Gratis /ˈɡreɪtɨs/ is the quality of an action where the action is willingly provided without any requirement by the provider for compensation or monetary remuneration. It is often referred to in English as free of charge or complimentary. -> This might not be the sense of free you were hoping for.
I don’t really think of [name]Maverick[/name] as patriotic- it’s more loose-cannon, unpredictable, and potentially dangerous to me. Also one of the dictionary definitions of maverick (the actual word) is “an unbranded calf,” which is kind of unappealing. I know [name]Maverick[/name] is a type of missile, but I don’t really see that as patriotic either. It’s just a weapon; it doesn’t seem any more patriotic to me than “gun” or “cannon.”
I like [name]Franklin[/name] a lot! If you’re open to suggestions, these all seem very American to me:
[name]Free[/name] (might only work as a middle)
[name]Delano[/name] (similar to [name]Franklin[/name], although this one is more [name]Roosevelt[/name] and less [name]Benjamin[/name])
Names that mean “free:”
[name]Freeman[/name] ([name]Just[/name] as meaningful as “free” itself, but much more wearable as a first name)
You could also do a place name. Good luck!
[name]Franklin[/name] is a great name. I agree with what Daisy451 said about [name]Maverick[/name]. It doesn’t really read as patriotic. I understand Gratis is a family name, but I wouldn’t be able to get past it’s meaning, “free of charge.”
[name]Do[/name] you like [name]Truman[/name]?
[name]Franklin[/name]. I agree with what the others have said re [name]Maverick[/name] not reading as patriotic and Gratis only reminding me of free of charge, in the money sense. [name]Frank[/name] is actually really cute for a kiddo, but an adult could wear it well too.
I voted for [name]Franklin[/name] because of the gorgeous nicknames [name]Frank[/name] and [name]Frankie[/name]!
I like [name]Maverick[/name] as well though.
Agree with previous posters about [name]Maverick[/name]. It doesn’t really symbolize freedom. [name]Franklin[/name] is my favorite of the three!
[name]How[/name] about Charlies, [name]Karl[/name], [name]Carlo[/name], [name]Cari[/name]?
I actually voted for Gratis. I think it’s very cool and the connection with your husband’s great grandfather is worth using it. I really like it as a middle name…[name]James[/name] Gratis a bit better though.
I voted [name]Franklin[/name] too, it’s a great, dignified American name. [name]Maverick[/name] is in the same realm as names like [name]Ace[/name], [name]Rebel[/name] and [name]Blaze[/name] IMHO and they kind of make me cringe, sorry! It’s cool that Gratis is in your family tree but I can’t get past it’s meaning of “free of charge”.
The ultimate freedom name to me is [name]Lincoln[/name].
I think [name]James[/name] works really well as a middle name with all of your choices. Good luck with your new baby!
Another [name]Franklin[/name] vote here! I love that name.
I agree with the above posters that [name]Maverick[/name] doesn’t really make one think of “freedom” per se, so much as unpredictability or being a loose canon. I don’t think those are great associations. Also, the name just comes across as uber-trendy.
While it’s honorable to want to use Gratis due to the family connection, I think it will just make people think of the “free of charge” connotation.
I voted for [name]Franklin[/name]. I agree with pps that [name]Maverick[/name] does not remind me of freedom or [name]America[/name] at all. It just sounds like the parents wanted the kid to have a “cool” name. [name]Franklin[/name] is a great way to honor the founders, but I do also love how Gratis is a family name. I think you’d have to use it in the middle though. If [name]James[/name] Gratis were on the list, I would have voted for that instead.
I also like [name]Franklin[/name] the best. If you are going for a founding father name, [name]Jefferson[/name], [name]Hamilton[/name], [name]Monroe[/name], or [name]Jay[/name] are also good alternatives, although none of the others quite had [name]Franklin[/name]'s humor, did they?
[name]Maverick[/name] to me refers to someone who chooses their own path, regardless of the consequences. I suppose that’s a sort of freedom, but to me, it doesn’t really capture the spirit of service to country. I agree with the other posters that Gratis means “free of charge”, and I’m not sure that’s the connotation you want to convey.
I voted for [name]Maverick[/name] [name]James[/name]. It sounds very cool and edgy. [name]Maverick[/name] means independant and that is a very clever connection to [name]Freedom[/name] [name]IMO[/name].
Wow! It looks like the majority is [name]Franklin[/name] [name]James[/name]! I [name]DO[/name] [name]Love[/name] that name too. I also love and appreciate all of the feedback from everyone. I’ll print this out and go over it with hubby this weekend. Thank you so much for all of the terrific ideas.
[name]Samantha[/name] & [name]James[/name]