Help in pronouncing Nere/ Nerea?

Any Basque speakers out there want to explain how to pronounce [name]Nere[/name] and [name]Nerea[/name]?

I’m not really a Basque speaker but I know about half a dozen girls named [name]Nerea[/name]. It’s pronounced “neh-REH-a” but the R is like the TT sound in ‘butter’… you know what I mean? It’s like a flap, and not like an English R.

I don’t know anyone named [name]Nere[/name] and since I’m not a native speaker, I’m not 100% on it, but I’d assume [name]Nere[/name] to be pronounced “NEH-reh”
There ‘eh’ sounds are kind of like an “ay” sound but shorter.