My husband and I are struggling between the following two names:
[name]Arlo[/name] [name]Emerson[/name]
[name]Theo[/name] [name]Alexander[/name]
Please let me know which you prefer. I am being induced tomorrow!
My husband and I are struggling between the following two names:
[name]Arlo[/name] [name]Emerson[/name]
[name]Theo[/name] [name]Alexander[/name]
Please let me know which you prefer. I am being induced tomorrow!
My preference is [name]Arlo[/name] [name]Emerson[/name], I think it’s a little more unexpected. But both are lovely, so good luck to you!
I prefer [name]Theo[/name] [name]Alexander[/name], I think it’s an adorable name
I love [name]Theo[/name] [name]Alexander[/name]. I’m a bit biased because [name]Alexander[/name] is my son’s middle name and [name]Theodore[/name] is what I would like to name a second son. [name]Arlo[/name] [name]Emerson[/name] is handsome as well, but [name]Theo[/name] [name]Alexander[/name] is just superb to me.
I love [name]Arlo[/name] [name]Emerson[/name]! Amazing choice!
Well, I actually like [name]Theo[/name] [name]Emerson[/name]! I’m not sure whether popularity is a factor for you or not. But, I think [name]Theo[/name] is an up and coming name, and I’ve been hearing it more and more. (They also named their baby [name]Theodore[/name] in Shades of [name]Grey[/name]- maybe that’s why?) Anyway, if you don’t want a name that’s becoming popular, I’d go with [name]Arlo[/name]. If it doesn’t matter at all, I like the name [name]Theo[/name] better.
[name]Arlo[/name] [name]Emerson[/name], what a cool name. That’s definately my pick.
[name]Arlo[/name] is a name I picked for one of my cats and my name is [name]Alex[/name] so both combos have personal appeal for me, but I’d go with [name]Arlo[/name] [name]Emerson[/name] as it feels more unexpected and cool imo.
[name]Arlo[/name] [name]Emerson[/name] feels more unexpected and fresher than [name]Theo[/name] [name]Alexander[/name], much as I like it. I think it’s [name]Emerson[/name] that’s won me over, great to see it being used on a boy.
[name]Arlo[/name] [name]Emerson[/name] is a great choice.
I can’t choose, they’re both great!
What about taking both and choosing whichever feels right?
I love [name]Theo[/name]. I love the nickname-like yet polished feel of it, and I think it ages really well. [name]Arlo[/name] is cool but I can’t picture it on an adult.
I prefer [name]Theo[/name] [name]Alexander[/name] or even [name]Theo[/name] [name]Emerson[/name].
I really like both combinations, but I prefer [name]Theo[/name] (I am biased though). [name]Both[/name] sound great!! Good luck.
I like [name]Theo[/name] best but, both are great.
Good [name]Luck[/name]!
I don’t think you can go wrong with either one, but I like [name]Theo[/name] [name]Alexander[/name] just a little more than [name]Arlo[/name] [name]Emmerson[/name]. Best of luck with the induction!
[name]Theo[/name] [name]Alexander[/name]. I really like that.
I’d go with [name]Theo[/name] [name]Alexander[/name]. Best wishes!
I really [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Theo[/name] [name]Alexander[/name].
Although I adore the name [name]Theo/name, I am absolutely fascinated by [name]Arlo[/name] [name]Emerson[/name]. I think it’s fantastic and totally unexpected. I’d go with [name]Arlo[/name] [name]Emerson[/name], it’s totally growing on me!