Help me choose!

See the results of this poll: __________ England Lewis?

Respondents: 62 (This poll is closed)

  • Kimber : 11 (13%)
  • Vera : 19 (23%)
  • Story : 8 (10%)
  • Winslet : 7 (9%)
  • Amelie: 37 (45%)

[name]Amelie[/name] [name]England[/name] [name]Lewis[/name] is my favorite!

I tried to vote for [name]Amelie[/name], [name]Story[/name], and [name]Vera[/name], but for some reason my vote for [name]Amelie[/name] did not count :frowning: In order they would be

  1. [name]Amelie[/name]
  2. [name]Vera[/name]
  3. [name]Story[/name]

I like [name]Amelie[/name] best, depending on your pronunciation. [name]Do[/name] you say it the traditional French pronunciation–ah-MILL-ee? Or some other way? I’ve heard AY-muh-lee, uh-[name]MAY[/name]-lee, OM-il-ee (like [name]Romilly[/name] without the “R”), etc. My best friend was an [name]Amelie[/name] from [name]France[/name], so I have to say all the other pronunciations don’t appeal to me at all. If not ah-MILL-ee, then [name]Winslet[/name] would get my vote. It seems so glamorous, and I adore the nn [name]Winnie[/name]!

Good luck!

[name]Amelie[/name] [name]England[/name] [name]Lewis[/name]

Not to be crude, but something about [name]Vera[/name] [name]Lewis[/name] seemed off to me. I realized that it could sound similar to “very loose”. [name]Just[/name] thought I would point that out, because it’s nice to know these things. Loving [name]Story[/name] and [name]Winslet[/name] though!

I voted [name]Amelie[/name], with [name]Vera[/name] very closely behind it.

[name]Amelie[/name] [name]England[/name] is gorgeous :slight_smile:

I voted [name]Kimber[/name] and [name]Vera[/name]. [name]Amelie[/name] [name]England[/name] sounds like the English version of an American [name]Doll[/name] to me…sorry.

[name]LOVE[/name] [name]Kimber[/name] and [name]Vera[/name]. [name]Both[/name] very different styles but both are unique. [name]Kimber[/name] has great nickname potential and it would likely be on my list if [name]Kimberly[/name] wasn’t my husband’s name. [name]Vera[/name] is stunning, simple, sophisticated, and unique.

Since [name]England[/name] is a quirky mn choice, I would stick with a more traditional first name.

1 [name]Amelie[/name]
2 [name]Vera[/name]

When I was younger I knew this woman with the name [name]Kimber[/name]. She was the mother of one of the boys on my cousin’s football team and I thought she rocked it.

  1. [name]Kimber[/name]
  2. [name]Story[/name] (because I’m a writer and I think it sounds cute for a girl)
  3. [name]Vera[/name]
  4. [name]Amelie[/name] (prefer [name]Amelia[/name] but [name]Amelie[/name] sounds pretty too)
  5. [name]Winslet[/name]