Help me love this name..please!

I am starting to really like [name]Daphne[/name]. I just need a little push. I am a sucker for nicknames. Please tell me some of your favorites for [name]Daphne[/name], feel free to be daring! Thanks :slight_smile:


[name]Annie[/name] or [name]Daffy[/name] could work.

I love the name [name]Daphne[/name] soooo much!!

You might also like: [name]Dinah[/name], [name]Sylvie[/name], [name]Calla[/name], or [name]Penelope[/name].

Good luck! :slight_smile:

I really like [name]Daphne[/name]!

As nn i quite like [name]Daffy[/name] or Fiffy?!

We named our dog [name]Daphne[/name], and we tend to call her [name]Daffy[/name] or [name]Daffodil[/name] (my fave). And because she needed a middle name ([name]Louise[/name]), she occasionally gets called Daffilou. [name]Hope[/name] that helps!

[name]Hi[/name]! I love the name [name]Daphne[/name]! An acquaintance of mine has a toddler named [name]Daphne[/name], and she’s absolutely adorable! To me, [name]Daphne[/name] is simultaneously elegant and down-to-earth, and I think it has a lot of character.

Feenie could be another nickname…

Good luck! :slight_smile:

I love [name]Daphne[/name]!
My favorite [name]Daphne[/name] nn would be [name]Nina[/name] (perhaps a bit of a stretch, but [name]Daphne[/name] ends with nee, so I think nee-na flows easily from there).