Help me name 7 puppies?

Hey everyone!

My stepdad is a dog trainer, and he’s just had a litter of 7 little puppies! The are Dutch Shepherds.

5 boys, 2 girls.

He has asked me to take on the duty of naming the pups! I need names soon!

So I know he won’t go for anything too frilly for the girls (or the boys!), and he also doesn’t want common pet names - [name]Max[/name], Fluffy…

The names should not exceed 2 syllables, and none can be so similar that the dogs get mixed up!

For boys I was thinking…

[name]Toby[/name], [name]Rufus[/name], Sulli, [name]Oscar[/name]

For girls…

[name]Hattie[/name], [name]Lottie[/name], [name]Cora[/name], [name]Greta[/name]

[name]Just[/name] throwing things out there - please help!!!


Cool! Let’s see.

[name]Wiley[/name], [name]Wylie[/name]


I hope that helps!


No girls names needed :frowning: [name]Shame[/name], I was most looking forward to naming them!

Aww! Dutch Shepherds are gorgeous!

What about:


Maybe [name]Finn[/name] for one of the boys or [name]Molly[/name] for one of the girls? I don’t know just some suggestions :slight_smile: