Help me understand Ransom

Hello berries

Hope your all well

So I’m struggling to sleep due to period pains so I’m on Nameberry my happy place!

Anyways just answered @emeraldsea question about Ransom which I enjoyed as she’s fab. But I do struggle to understand the name Ransom.

I know there’s the Christian concept of Christian’s are held ransom by sin (we are slaves to sin). In order to free us from this slavery to sin, G-d sent his one and only son, Jesus Christ, in order that Christ take the punishment for our sins. Christ paid for our sins with his blood. This is the ransom payment, so that we could be set free from our slavery to sin, and have new life in Him. But aside from this concept I do just think of the negative connotations of the word ‘ransom’ holding someone/something to ransom to receive something in exchange normally money which aren’t the best. But I see Ransom on Nameberry a lot and I know there’s another fab berry with a child who has this name and I love her style so I was hoping for berries to work there magic and sell me on Ransom.

So berries why do you like Ransom?

Thank you :shell:

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I don’t understand it either. It sounds cool as a name but all I know of it are negative connotations.

Like holding someone hostage and making someone else pay money (usually a big sum) in order to release them. And I’m pretty sure if the ransom is not paid the hostage doesn’t end up well.


As a [name_u]Christian[/name_u], I do love the concept of [name_m]Christ[/name_m] being our [name_m]Ransom[/name_m]. I think that’s very powerful and beautiful. But I also realize that most people are going straight to the negative associations with the name. tbh even I as a [name_u]Christian[/name_u] am not big on it, I think in theory it’s a nice idea but I just don’t like the sound or look of it? I like Reuben/Rohmer much more, which visually looks similar to me. I know the berry you’re talking about, I love her style in general, but I think there’s always exceptions to everyone’s list. I’m sure some people like my list and then wonder what on earth I’m thinking about certain names lol.

But I also do get why she likes it, the meaning to a [name_u]Christian[/name_u] is super lovely, and I think, if I remember right, she was also heavily influenced by The Space Trilogy by C.S. Lewis… I’ve only read the first book in the trilogy, I find [name_m]Lewis[/name_m] hard to read outside his [name_f]Narnia[/name_f] books, but the main character is a man named [name_m]Ransom[/name_m] who is kidnapped when he hears someone in distress (if I remember correctly) and he was trying to save. He is sent in a space ship to an alien planet where he experiences humanity from the aliens’ point of view and if I am understanding it correctly, is kind of learns how aliens see humanity rejecting the salvation [name_m]Christ[/name_m] offers. Again, I’ve only read the first book, and glazed over during large parts of it, but that was my overall understanding lol. Because of this I could see it having a strong favorable image for [name_m]Tolkien[/name_m] and [name_m]Lewis[/name_m] lovers.


the christian meaning really lends to it for me. i love the symbolism of redemption. it also has a bit of vintage twang as well as a modern, wordy feel! :white_heart:


I’m a [name_u]Christian[/name_u] and also find the concept of naming a kid [name_m]Ransom[/name_m] very strange. Other strange quirks/associations that I have:

  1. The character in Knives Out (I think this was the first time I’d heard of it as a name.)
  2. Rhymes with handsome in my accent.

Honestly, I mostly like the sound.
It definitely plays into it that I’m not a native speaker and encountered [name_m]Ransom[/name_m] as a name before I knew it as a word (the same thing happened with [name_u]Maverick[/name_u] and a lot of nature names). After learning the word its usage as a name stumped me for a while because of the obvious negative meaning, until I learned about its meaning in the context of [name_m]Christ[/name_m]. Now I like it again, and while I still wouldn’t use it, I understand why people do.


I have very mixed feelings about [name_m]Ransom[/name_m]. I love the way it sounds and looks, even though it’s not my usual style. As for the meaning, the first thing I think about is ransom in the context of kidnapping/holding someone hostage. As a [name_u]Christian[/name_u] I understand and deeply feel the concept of ransom in the sense of deliverance of the punishment for sin, but that’s still not the first thing that comes to mind when I see or hear [name_m]Ransom[/name_m].


There is also an English surname Ransom (I haven’t looked into its etymology). Some of Ransom’s use as a first name may be transferred use of the surname rather than directly from the word.


It could be a unique way to get to nn Sammy, which I do find very cute! And the -om ending is distinct and cool, standing out without being too out there. That said, I don’t get Ransom either :sweat_smile: I think it’s one of those names that just wouldn’t “translate” well outside of very strongly religious circles (and mainly in the US). Even if you do love that biblical connection, you have to account for the fact that the grand majority of people won’t think of it, and will just associate the name with a horrible act of violence. Sadly that makes it unusable for me!


Aw [name_u]Sammy[/name_u] for [name_m]Ransom[/name_m] is cute!

I like the sound but I think of the bad stuff surrounding it too. Would never use it personally for that reason.

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@Unice9729 it’s a tricky one hence having to ask about [name_m]Ransom[/name_m]!

@ashthedreamer i completely agree there is always exceptions to rule regarding people name list. It’s just I’ve seen [name_m]Ransom[/name_m] really gaining attraction of recent so I wanted some further understanding regarding him. I do like the [name_u]Christian[/name_u] theology behind the name though and I can see why that makes [name_m]Ransom[/name_m] appealing. I didn’t know about the [name_f]Narnia[/name_f] connection but that’s so magical.

@emeraldsea i like the [name_u]Christian[/name_u] concept as well. But as a lover of [name_m]Ransom[/name_m] what are your thoughts about the negative connotations of the name?

@may.rose thank you! Also thank you for sharing the other weird quirks surrounding [name_m]Ransom[/name_m].

@Wandarine thank you honestly that’s such an interesting point about language!

@Rosebeth thank you for sharing your thoughts and I think the [name_u]Christian[/name_u] concept surrounding ransom is powerful it’s just a shame that my mind goes to the negative connotations first.


@choupette i had no idea about the surname thank you for sharing!

@tallemaja thank you for responding! I know it sounds strange but sometimes I do look at things and think only in [name_u]America[/name_u]. I also agree that [name_m]Ransom[/name_m] outside of strongly religious US circles. I think [name_m]Ransom[/name_m] may struggle to translate where I am. I think the [name_u]Sammy[/name_u] nickname is fun.

@auroracallista thank you! I think I agree I think the name struggle where I am


I completely understand the reasoning behind it and the meaning it holds for Christians, but I don’t (personally) like the name because though the Christian message is beautiful and redemptive, I don’t connect “Ransom” to Christ or the Christian message as readily as other word names. With Psalm, Verse, Mercy, Galilee, Dove, etc I can see how the positive aspects could be more easily reflected to others whereas with Ransom there is the immediate negative connotation connected to it (that without the backstory, I believe would leave people scratching their heads!) On the other hand, some Christians may see this as a doorway that opens conversations up about Christ’s death, resurrection and atonement for sins (when they or their children are questioned about the name.) Also, maybe some see it as sending a strong and ever-present reminder of God’s grace and mercy to their child (?) It’s not the way I would choose but I understand not everyone thinks the same!


@ladyofthetower thank you for the really eloquent response along with the idea of opening the pathway of discussion through the name!

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Of course :slight_smile:

I don’t know if you saw my edit but I also had this afterthought:

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No I didn’t but I think that’s really thought provoking

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this is kinda of a weird reason, but I love [name_m]Ransom[/name_m] because it makes me think of my dad, one of the only things we watch together is [name_u]True[/name_u] Crime Shows, the name [name_m]Ransom[/name_m] makes me think of all the nights we stay up until two in the morning debating on who the killer is.

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You’re right haha! I just thought of another aspect! I think the aspect of [name_m]God[/name_m] being just and holy and sin being as evil and harmful as it truly is is also reflected in the name because sin required punishment and sin and death did have to be overcome in a truly horrifying way (a ransom!)

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@coolauntieviolet i think that’s fun it’s always nice to have a way to bond with your dad so I get why you like the name for that reason!

@ladyofthetower my goodness your actually selling this name to me in relation to Christianity!

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honestly, it makes me like it more! it’s a little badass and gives me this no-nonsense, cowboy vibe. i’ve always been a fan of names like that; rowdy and breaker for example. ransom bridges the gap between cool vintage names and more modern, punchy names, for me!