HELP! Morning sickness today?

Hello Berries!

So, it all started a few days ago. I thought I might be coming down with something so I stayed home and rested all day. I took a anap in the afternoo and when I woke up I had a ceaser wrap. The taste and smell of the dressing immediatley made me feel like I was going to throe up. [name]Ever[/name] since then my stomach hasnt been quite normal. I can eat but it is more like I have to nibble.on things. The past two nights I have had trouble sleeping. Twoo nights ago I woke up in the middle of the night feeling nauseous. Then this morning as soon as I woke up I rushed to the bathroom feeling nauseous. It doesnt ‘go away’ during the day. It gets better usually but doesnt disappear. On top of that I am.extremely achey, (arms, legs, ribs). My husband said aroun my aereolas looked bruised last night. I have been feeling lightheaded, and short of breath easily.

I am really wondering if I could be pregnant?

Oh and I forgot to mention as well… extremely fatigued. I feel like I am going to fall asleeo all day long and caffein does NOT help!

Where are you in your cycle? I think I’d take a test if you’re close enough to when your period should arrive.

I didn’t have nausea that early, but everyone’s different. The areola changes are the big thing you listed that doesn’t have an easy alternate reason for me (I can write off fatigue for awhile, same w/ stomach unease, but that and all together would have me picking up a test.)

Good luck! Let us know what happens!

Only a test/doctor can tell you for sure, but from the sounds of it you could be. Nausea and fatigue are common symptoms. Everyone I know who has been pregnant has had both.

Here is a site that list the symptoms you have and more:

so it’s possible

It kind of sounds like the flu… but why not take a pregnancy test to find out?

I am scheduled to get it in a little less than a week. Thats why i was curious… could these symptoms show up so early? i took a test and it was a negative this morning because i was so worried. part of me says it is too early to test still but then if it was too early to get a positive wouldnt it be too early to have symptoms?

I think symptoms vary wildly from woman-to-woman, both in which ones they have and when they have them. Some pregnant women don’t get morning sickness while others have it start-to-finish. For me, I had no idea I was pregnant–I had a fertility issue that made it possible but unlikely. When I first started getting nauseous, at first I thought it was a migraine. My breasts were sore but that often happens right before I get my period. I took the test and got a faint positive, which was confirmed later that week professionally. At that time, I was about 6 weeks pregnant (4 weeks after conception) and since the home test was pretty faint, I’d guess that had I taken it earlier, it would have come up negative.

I recommend trying a test. If it’s positive, you’ll know and if it’s negative, it’s either too early or you have something else going on that it wouldn’t be a bad idea to talk to your doctor about.

Totally possible you could have symptoms this early, I’ll echo kungfualex, everyone’s so different. I had the crazy fatigue long before a missed period, but that’s about it for your textbook symptoms. I also noticed I was drinking more water than usual, I’m usually the type who has to really remind myself to drink water during the day, but I was up drinking 3 glasses of water in the middle of the night. By the time I tested positive I also had sore breasts and some food aversions.

It is early for a positive, wait a few days and see if your symptoms intensify or if you start feeling better. If you keep getting negatives and don’t feel better, maybe time to make a doctors appt. to see whats going on.

Thank you lineska you were very helpful!

It is half way through the day, I am EXHAUSTED, and had another gag reflex to something that sounded good yesterday! Plus the past two days the tipsbof ny ears feel like theyre burning… very odd. no idea if that could be a sign either? at this point i am over analyzing everything! Im going to test again in a week andbsee what happens. Then go from there!

until then… anything to help with the nausea throught the day? I can control it during the day if i continue to nibble on things but when i wake up in the middle of the night or in the morning im not sure what to do!!

A HPT is the only way to tell. The fact you are saying you are achy/sore etc on top of it all makes me think you have some down with something though. It would be a bit early to have morning sickness, that normally comes after a missed period (6-8 weeks preg). What you describe is a lot like me when I am sick! Pregnancy for me has been nothing like any of that, but everyone is different. I don’t know anyone who felt like that either though.

That is the thing though… I thought I was coming down with something too! but it has beena few days since the onset of it all and it hasnt gotten any better or any worse! plus the nausea is mostly in the morning and evening, and in the middke of the night. i feel like if it was a sickness there would be symptoms all day long. and as far as symtoms.go… i looked up early pregnancy symptoms.and everything that ive mentioned seems to be textbook symptims!.If it was something other than pregnancy, i am almost positive it is hormone related.

Sounds like a bad flu to me! No matter what, this helped me through morning sickness, and generally when I have migraines which causes extreme nausea: Coconut sorbet or pineapple granita (put pineapple in the blender with mint, whizz it, freeze it, after one hour fork it up, stick it back in, repeat two times if you’re patient). [name]Hope[/name] you’ll feel better!

I know i do not have the flu! The symptoms arent quite the same.

I am almost positive it is hormone related, if i am not pregmant.

You should probably go to a doctor then. Pregnancy test first though, just in case. Good luck, hun!

[name]Both[/name] morning sickness as well as the positive sign on a home pregnancy test are due to the ‘pregnancy hormone,’ B-HCG. If you’re one week post-conception, your circulating B-HCG levels are very very low. Too low to cause morning sickness, and too low to be detected in your urine.

You’re fatigued, nauseated, short of breath, have diffuse myalgias/arthralgias and slightly dizzy. This sounds much more like a viral prodrome than early pregnancy, perhaps superimposed on the premenstrual hormone spike.

well bostonsavvy you and I can be dizzy nauseous buddies. In my case however, most definitely not pregnancy related (or flu). Mostly cause I’ve had them for a while now and even during my period.

Things that usually help calm an upset stomach are what I’d call the BRAT diet. So Bananas, [name]Rice[/name], Applesauce, and Toast.
That and coke usually help me a lot. (my SO swears by Gingerale but I think the concept is the same).

another BAD onset of nausea. all of a sudden! and only happens at night and in.the morning! so strange! it got so bad that my husband had to come pick me.up from work. [name]Ive[/name] talked to my mom and aunts… they are all saying it sounds like I am pregnant!

A couple of things that helped me through nausea:

Making sure not to let my blood sugar get too low. [name]Even[/name] if I didn’t feel like eating, I’d eat something bland like saltines and ginger ale every couple hours. My doc recommended even keeping something by my bed to snack on before I got up in the morning.

[name]Ginger[/name] candy–I got some hard candy and chews that a coworker brought me from Whole Foods. The preggie pops didn’t seem to have any ingredients different than regular candy and cost a whole lot more. I still got sick eating the ginger foods, but it definitely took the edge off.

[name]Even[/name] if you only keep down food and water for a short time, it helps avoid dehydration and it hurts a lot less to vomit if there’s something in your stomach. Whether you’re pregnant or not, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to get checked out, especially if your symptoms continue/worsen.

When I was pregnant with my eldest I had “morning” sickness for almost a week before I got a positive test result (HPT and blood test) The Dr thought I must have had my dates wrong because I was too sick to only be 2 weeks post conception when we got the positive blood test. He was wrong though my dates were spot on, apparently pregnancy just doesn’t agree with me!!! I was sick my entire pregnancy and threw up 5/6 times a day (on a good day! Sorry for the TMI)
Lots of people say that it’s to early to get “morning” sickness but I know from personal experience that some women do get sick that early.