My sister-in-law is pregnant with baby number 2, it’s another girl and they are really stuck for names. I knew exactly where to turn and know all your berries will be able to help!
Their eldest is named [name]Abigail[/name].
They like names that aren’t to popular but definitely not out there. They would prefer biblical names but aren’t limiting the choices to that (they are finding it hard because of how many biblical names are used by family members already)
Some names I know they like:
[name]How[/name] about
[name]Scarlett[/name]- I like it better than [name]Charlotte[/name]
[name]Casia[/name] (pronounced [name]Kay[/name]-sha, it a spice in the Bible)
[name]Madigan[/name]- a little fresher than [name]Madison[/name]
[name]Lydia[/name], [name]Ruth[/name]/[name]Ruthie[/name],[name]Tabitha[/name], [name]Sarah[/name] [name]Beth[/name],[name]Emmeline[/name],[name]Rachel[/name] just a few off top of my head
I don’t know if its been suggested but adeline adelyn are both awesome nakes similar to abigail. maybe too much? but I love the pronounciation of ad-e-line I think its so pretty!!!
[name]Madelyn[/name]-sounds like [name]Madison[/name] and is the French form of [name]Magdalene[/name]. There’s a [name]Mary[/name] [name]Magdalene[/name] in the Bible, right?
Thank you for all the suggestions so far! Some of the names suggested unfortunately are already “taken” in our family.
My girls are [name]Elizabeth[/name] and [name]Annabelle[/name] (which rules our [name]Anna[/name]), we also have a [name]Hannah[/name], [name]Bethany[/name], [name]Rachael[/name], [name]Rebecca[/name], [name]Heather[/name], [name]Susannah[/name], [name]Grace[/name] and [name]Hope[/name] in the family! All of those names belong to ladies or girls who will be close cousins or Aunties!
[name]Mia[/name] and [name]Maya[/name] came to mind for me first. I also thought of [name]Zoe[/name], [name]Chloe[/name], [name]Georgia[/name], [name]Ava[/name], [name]Lila[/name] and [name]Penelope[/name].
I really like the combo of [name]Abigail[/name] and [name]Alexis[/name]. I think that [name]Alexis[/name] is such a strong beautiful name too! I think any A+A combos would work well, if the name is short:
Here are some suggestions-I’ll bold my favourites!
[name]Abigail[/name] and…